"...Why would you touch it?..."

"Hm? Whoa…" Charlotte's breath is taken by the beauty of the hair-clip sized katana, and she cannot stop herself from touching it.

As soon as she does however, *AH!* she yelps out in pain, a small spray of blood scatters in the air.

This makes the three stops in their steps.

"WHAT THE F*!" Charlotte barely suppresses a curse realizing that the skin on her index finger now has hundreds of bone-deep cuts.

Before she can try to stop the bleeding by wrapping the sleeve of her kimono around her finger, "There, there." Red beats her to it by wrapping it in his grasp.

"Why on Terra would you touch it, not knowing what it was?" He adds in admonishment.

"…" Charlotte is too stunned to answer.

Not a few seconds later, Red removes his hold on her finger and she is surprised to find that her finger is all back to normal, except for its paleness and the blood that remained on the skin.