... Guns...

Brisbane - 8 PM

Dominic's isolated and quiet sea-side beach house is a bit more crowded and noisier than usual in a usually quiet night.

His house is also filled with scent of oil and cooking meat.

Squeezed at his dining table are himself, Charlotte, Ahdem, Havvah, Fumio, Kotone, Yoshiko, Akane, Yori, and finally Red.

The group of ten's attention is currently on Fumio, Kotone, and Yoshiko.

Except for Charlotte who is watching in amazement at how Red is grilling ten steaks with ten balls of flame floating in the air.

"So… Yeah. It takes a lot of space in our… storage. Thank goodness, they ceased fire." Yoshiko concludes.

Despite how casual Yoshiko, Fumio, and Kotone recounted their burglary escapades, Ahdem, Havvah, and Dominic can see the burden in the three's eyes.