"...Oh, f*ck this..."

*boomf* *boomf*

*bop* *bop*

Everyone in the room start bobbing their heads or their bodies to the beat as an old-school American hip-hop song resounds from the speakers.

Sae steps to the center and leads off the battle with Ran.

As it is only the start, she is not doing anything complicated. She chose a simple but old-school Up Rock style, perfect for the music. She shuffles her feet, spins her body, gestures her hands intricately, or jerks her shoulders to the beat.

While her movements are basic, those basic movements are perfectly utilized with not too much force, or lacking thereof with each execution.

The angles of her body, including the curvature of her spine, look attractive. One can see the veteran girl hip-hop dancer in her every move.

*bUYMP* *bump* *bump*

Soon enough, her turn ends with a pose as she retreats using beautifully modified shuffling steps.