"Ah... How nice must it be? You can fish with no crew, no boats, no business expenses." Inoue-san shakes his head in light-hearted envy.
He still remembers the first time he met the two cultivators.
It was a dark night three weeks ago, in his boat 40 kilometers off the coast of the port. He was as usual, fishing with his crew.
As they were gathering their mile-long fishing line, and sorting through the fish that were caught in the hooks, they were started when suddenly, the water beside them exploded and from it, a large tuna fish was sent flying tens of feet on the air.
Inoue-san and his crew witnessed as the flailing tuna fish reached its peak in the air, it was suddenly spiked to its brain by Kanon who appeared out of nowhere.
The tuna fish then splashed back to the waters, dead.