"I'm allowed there?"

Assaulted by a buzzing headache, "ahh…." Evelia cannot help but hiss.

She looks at Shirley and is stunned seeing that her vision seems to be dancing, like the surface of a calm lake suddenly disturbed by a passing boat.

"It's fine. Calm down. The headache, the funny eyes, it's all side effects." Shirley says as she takes out another pill bottle from her pockets, opens it, takes out a pill similar to the blue pill she and Evelia took earlier, with its red color the only difference, and hands one to Evelia.

Evelia immediately swallows the pill, and the side effects are suddenly gone.

Relieved, "Hooo…" Evelia slacks on her chair limply.

As she sits straight again however, she notices that her body feels very heavy.

"I… feel weak." She looks at Shirley for answers.

This is her first time feeling such weakness since she woke up in her room in the town three days ago.