"Did it taste good?"

"What the fuck…" The department head cannot help but sigh in wonder as she watches the opened thorax of the patient.

More precisely, she is awed at the skills of Daijiro.

Bleeding from the patient's ruptured blood vessels, torn lungs, and torn liver, are all being stopped simply with a few touches from Daijiro's masterful manipulation of forceps and clamps.

It simply looks miraculous.

"Vitals?" She then asks the anesthesiologist, her eyes still on the surgical area.

"All good, department head." She sighs in relief at the anesthesiologist's confident reply.

"Suction, please." Daijiro requests, and his fellow resident skillfully drains the blood from the thoracic cavity.

"Looks good, Daijiro-san." The resident compliments, finding no more bleeding.

Even though it is not her first time seeing Daijiro stop the bleeding of an injury as severe as the one in this surgery in only under five minutes, she is still impressed.