
"K-kanon…" Juro's eyes widen, seeing Kanon's figure in the sky, fast approaching.

The speed at which Kanon was hopping in the sky stuns him. It is not until Kanon lands in the restaurant terrace and joins her siblings who are already waiting for her, that he gets over his shock.

He then notices that just like Osamu, Ran and Chihiro the young painter too, is wearing an anxious face.

"How do you all feel now?" Kanon asks.

"Got used to it… But I still feel… bad." Osamu shares.

"Same here."

"Yep." Ran and Chihiro express too.

"What's going on with you kids? You're all scaring me." Juro asks. 

He has witnessed the Osamu, Ran, and Chihiro's restlessness for the past two minutes.

"You've not asked him to leave?" Kanon asks.

"No offense, Juro-san." She adds.

"I'm not leaving. I'm worried for you all." Juro stays in his chair with arms stubbornly crossed.

"I can't contact Tai…" Ran pouts.