'I don't need to do anything but this, this is all I need to do,' a young mans right hand furiously clicks W, A, on his computer keyboard while his left hand guides the mouse at lightning speed and accuracy.

'And that is to Win!'

He was the top tier God, the indestructible player 1, they called him,

"[Xion Ji]!"

But really he was average maybe even below it, Kilo Wess, an 18 year old with no job and still living with his Mother. He ran his own little cash grab by boosting players avatars to buy equipment but that was it.

His teammate who'd called his gamer tag name, ran towards him with the name tag [Ass Wipe] above his character.

"What is it?" He spoke through his mic as his character turned toward him watching his friends emotes spam the screen.

"The Ravens Guild is closing in! What do you want to do?" Smiling on the other side of his monitor Kilo laughed,

"What do you mean what we do? We do what we always have" hitting his spell card to the bottom left of his screen it flipped and activated, his character then seemed to charge up with immense power, "We flush em out".

>> CØMBØ ØN! << spoke a girly voice as a small icon of the AI they called 'Rubix' danced on his screen while his character [Xion Ji] finished power up.

'This guy is really in his own league' [Ass Wipe] thought as he held his mouse nervously on the other side of the screen. He watched his friend while his character got into position.

'Control Alt Delete' a revolutionised multiplayer platform, world wide, MMORPG. With a fun twist of multiple games in one major online clash of different species and missions and endless storylines, no one in the world didn't have have this game. All introduced in 2021 as a full game; a virus had made the world dull and cruel in early years so industry 'IcedWørks' brought out the beta of a card game with the AI 'Rubix'. With a massive sell out they implement all the mini games they'd made before and through the pandemic. They hoped this would be humanities saviour, and it was, many by the end of 2022 had their own Beta full game pre-sell outs!

It was global, it was educational but most of all, it was fun.

'So much fucken fun'

"[Ass Wipe] keep guard, I've got a plan" [Xion Ji] >> main chat <<

Watching the monitor he cursed at [Xion Ji]'s character,

"You better have a plan!" He yelled as Ravens Guild in an alarming size sped ran towards them. At this rate he wasn't going to keep his double gold plated shoe armour he'd worked so hard for! His character [Ass Wipe] showed a horrified emote as [Xion Ji]'s character stood still.

Why had he chosen to follow such a mad man like [Xion Ji]? It was anyone's guess!

"Really what do we do?!" [Ass Wipe] turned to find [Xion Ji] was already running in retreat!?

"You asshole!" He swore as his fingers quickly tapped Q and R to catch up with him.

Looking up, [Xion Ji]'s character stared up at his latest trap, a cannon but not aimed at Raven Guild but rather the beast that had spawned on the same map.

'These guys are here for the-so called treasure' Kilo thought as his tongue clicked while [Ass Wipe] made it to his character. He wanted that treasure and unlike the Raven's Guild, he knew where it actually was.

Yet these people had declared war to anyone on this map and [Ass Wipe] his online friend and himself where on it. Therefore, they were going to be PK'ed very soon unless they fought their way out.

'But with this'

His character patted the cannon as [Ass Wipe] yelled at him for leaving him behind which he ignored. 'They will suffer instead' smirking deviously Kilo pressed the Space bar to active the cannon.

'That treasure is as good as mine'

"Boom" He laughed manically as [Ass Wipe]'s voice cut in yelling and carrying on through his headset.

"Holy shit you just hit the Ice dragon!" Shouted [Ass Wipe] as he stood up in disbelief in his bedroom clenching his wireless mouth.

"Dude!" [Ass Wipe] > [Xion Ji] >> Main Chat <<

"You hit the god damn Ice Dragon!" [Ass Wipe] > [Xion Ji] >> Main Chat <<

"We are done for!" [Ass Wipe] > [Xion Ji] >> Main Chat <<

'This guy knows nothing' Kilo sighed, you'd think [Ass Wipe] - even though it's such a ridiculous name, being level 150 would know that the Ice Dragon being ranked 5 only attacks groups of 30+'

Hearing the roar and feeling the weather drastically change, the Ravens Guild leader cursed. Who in God's name had disturbed and angered the Ice Dragon!? And now of all times? They we're screwed-

'That's right Ravens Guild, you guy's declared war for three reasons.

1. Was to secure the so-called treasure.

2. Was to make sure no one else was occupying the map.

And 3-'

>> IÇĒ CØLD! Better duck for cover! << spoke AI 'Rubix' on the bottom right of the screen as Ravens leader [Con Ki] yelled for everyone to split up as the Ice Dragon conducted the once mild winter map to a blizzard while it broke through the mountains.

-Was to make sure that the Ice Dragon wasn't a threat'.

"Run!" Yelled a player as the others seemed to shout and scream.

"Now that they are busy" Kilo's character moved away as his cannon bursted into cubes and gradually disappeared. "It's time to go secure this rumoured treasure".

Sometimes he loved the drama he caused because it was just so worth hearing the screams and shouts of those more unfortunate. Was he a sadistic bastard? Maybe.

[Ass Wipe]'s character shivered as he finally remembered why he listened to this madman, it was because he was insanely good. [Xion Ji] wasn't a name people knew much but when they did meet him they never forgot.

His level 320 and his mind set to his needs he was one scary guy that you should do well not to get in his way. Even though he was that good, he never participated in the Rank offs but that was entirely preference alone.

'But if he did-' [Ass Wipe]'s character turned and watched the Ravens Guild get PK'ed left, right and center.

"There's no way anyone would hold a candle to him" 

After walking some distance, Kilo's character [Xion Ji] stopped at a floating item on top of a pedestal. Tapping it, AI 'Rubix' came up on his screen in congratulations.

>> YEÅH! YØU RØCK! << she cheered as her little character danced on screen and showed his item to be an hourglass.

'What's this?' Kilo wondered as he clicked the notification to see the stats of the item.


HØURGLASS ( Rarity 6 )

> Time to stop and slow down <

'An item that can speed up, slow down and rewind time or stop it.'


'Holy shit' leaning forward on his gaming chair, Kilo breathed against the computer screen slightly fogging it up. He hit a jack pot, it was the only permanent item of it's kind and a rarity 6 at that!

"That's incredible [Xion Ji]! You got such a rare item! I'm so jealous!" Whined [Ass Wipe] as his character showed a disappointment emote but than a bashful one after.

There were endless possibilities with this treasure but would he keep it or sell it was the big question?

"Thanks [Ass Wipe] I'll be heading off then" Kilo spoke as his character [Xion Ji] waved goodbye before he asked 'Rubix' to sign him out.

Leaning back in his chair he smiled, that was a great hustle, he menacingly thought about blackmailing Ravens Guild until a knock at his door has the little joy and accomplishment he had to disperse.

"Dear?" His Mother called as Kilo got up and kicked rubbish out of his way, his room was in the state of a pigs pen not being taken care of. He walked to his door and opened it with a glare on his face.

"What?" He asked bluntly as his Mother looked out of it.

"I spoke with a friend who said she could get you a job" she mumbled but Kilo didn't miss a word.

"For the last damn time! I don't need one, I get money helping people level up!" 'Again with this?' His Mother had been trying to get Kilo to get a job to support himself but Kilo was content where he was at. It's not like he was free loading, he paid his dues.

"You can go tomorrow and thank her" she continued as if she didn't hear him. Getting mad he slapped her across the face.

"Wake up and fucken listen to me! I'm. not. going" Kilo barked while his mother burst out in tears.

Feeling nothing he slammed the door in her face and kicked a bag of trash on the floor before dropping to his bed. His messed up sheets not even covering his mattress anymore. He didn't hate his mother but the woman was delusional and had always acted like the victim.

Sleep seemed to overcome Kilo as he laid down,

'Oh right, I've been grinding hours since Thursday-' turning his head he took a look at the time and day on his digital clock.

[ Monday, 6:43pm ]

'No wonder' he concluded, he hadn't slept for roughly 5 days, sure he had small naps but nothing consistent over 4hrs. Feeling his eyes close on their own he heard AI 'Rubix' sing from his monitor.

~ My heart laid awake, for you to hold,~

~ this world is reality, only one that's unknown,~

~ I look to the sky, and all I can see, is horizon~

~ Welcome all, Control Alt Delete~