'I didn't want to admit it… but…' 

Seeing some kids further away, they each had discs at the ready. Immediately one inserted a colourful disc into their arm compartment called the baseline and gave it a head start spin.

"Headphones on!" Immediately the kids disc he just inserted resonated and a pair of headphones appeared from thin air upon his head. 

His sparring partner as well pulled out her own disc and proceeded to do the same but something was different. 

"Headphones on, Lock on!" Resonating immediately the young girls disc spun with more rhythm than the boy she was up against. Not only that it seemed to transform her to a degree, her arms and legs now sported what one would call 'rhythm armour'.

>> Rhythm Armour 

- Achieved when one reaches a certain pitch or tone with a disc to resonate higher than normal battle performance.


'It still doesn't feel real…' Kilo thought as he watched the young girl manifest song notes into a bow with arrows effectively shooting them the boys direction. 

"You should give it a go Kilo" spoke a voice behind him, definitely made him more alert if he wasn't already. "Ahahah, didn't mean to scare you though"

"it's fine man, just maybe not come up behind me" Kilo had been here now a week and still didn't understand the point of anything or why he was here. Not to mention, that Rion and Dixie weren't telling him anything except the normal sense around here.

"I can't even get my battle disc to spin" saying that sounded like he had erectile disfunction…

"I heard from Dix, did you want me to try and help you?" Rion supportively enquired but Kilo simply starred at him unmotivated. 

"You really want to see me fall flat on my face huh? These kids have already nicknamed me, 'the man who never was'. I don't think I need more hits to my pride" Kilo glared at some of the kids eavesdropping on the conversation laughing. 

"Alright how about this, I show you first and you copy"

'This persistent piece of shit' 

"Fine, you want to see me fail so badly, sure why not" Kilo sarcastically spat as Rion smiled sheepishly before pulling out a battle disc and chucking it to Kilo.

"Stupid fucken disc bullshit" kilo muttered as the two walked a certain distance apart from each other. 

"You ready man!" Shouted Rion unaware of how annoying he was to Kilo at this point of time. Waving back as his signal Rion immediately switched out his disc from his baseline. 

"Headphones on" Spinning his battle disc with his other hand his headphones resonated lively. "Your turn Kilo!" 

"your turn kilo~" mocked Kilo as he clicked his tongue while he switched out his voice disc for a battle one to his baseline compartment. Now was the part he always somehow fumbled? "headphones on" he said as he attempted to spin his disc but the disc did not move.

"God fucken dammit! Why does a voice line work but a battle disc doesn't move!" 

"Whoa easy! You'll scratch the disc like that, those things aren't cheap ya know, Dix would have both of our heads" Spoke Rion, seemed he'd approached seeing Kilo's struggles from afar. 

"So be it, why doesn't the fucken thing spin!?" Kilo in frustration pulled out the disc and chucked it only for Rion to catch it. Never had he been so infuriated with a games mechanics before. 

There was a few things Kilo knew or pieced together, that this wasn't the real world, well at least not Earth, as weird as that was to think of. It was definitely a game, status, life-bars, gamer tags above peoples heads. 

What confused him though was his gamer tag, [Kilo Ji]? Was that some mix between his real name and gamer name, but why? 

Getting up he ignored Rion as he put his voice line disc in his baseline and walked inside the orphanage.

Another thing Kilo knew was there was a society here, 'the ones who govern this word were the council called 'cube'- and… -' looking outside the orphanage attic window her saw a city further away. -'This world focused on music and using it to battle with disc's and well lyrical content. Battling would give you a lot of shit if your good at it'.

Looking at his baseline compartment, his voice line disc spun smoothly, at least he could talk. If his voice line didn't work he'd be no better than a mute.

Sighing he laid down on his bed looking at his status that had appeared from his holographic live screen on his arm just above his baseline. 

He saw the Rhythmic Battles were always live and there was always those who'd sing like morons- well at least to Kilo's mindset. He'd never been one to play music games, sure, he loved music but that was definitely different.

'At least you don't have to sing to fight like a magical girl bullshit.' He laughed at the notion of how bad his performance would be. 

Making fun of yourself was better than being laughed at.

"Kilo! Dinner is ready hun!" He heard Martha yell from downstairs, as he got up his head throbbed as a sharpe pain attacked. Gripping his head immediately his eyes seemed to see tiny noise like particles fuzzing up his vision.

Like that of an old tv on a no channel station.

'Ah shit, this again' he thought as he slowly walked down the stairs.

"There you are dear- Oh? Is your head hurting again?" Martha questioned seeing Kilo in clear discomfort.

"Yeah, something like that, it's okay- I'll be fine" brushing it off he sat down and looked up to see Rion in a bunny printed apron. 

Feeling the look of disappointment from Kilo, Rion smiled at him almost as if stars were rebounding off Kilo's face from Rion's radiance. 

'For someone who doesn't like kids and is a muscle head he sure acts out of character a lot'

Kilo looking down at his meal played with his pasta as his fork twisted around in it. 

It was just a theory but what if he had died? He heard from the kids here that at orientation of this world they were told they died in reality. But how would that work? He definitely didn't die…

"Kilo dear, are you sure you're okay, you haven't even had a mouth full of food yet" snapping him out of his thoughts Kilo smile awkwardly. 

"Sorry I was just thinking, didn't mean to make you worry" immediately shoving a mouthful of pasta in his gob his tastebuds were treated with a gift. 

'Yeah no way am I dead, this taste is too real' 

He had to hand it to Rion, he was good at cooking, it was surprising to hear Martha learned from him. 

"So Kilo, I was wondering what your plans are going forward, you've been here a week now and I know you can't use your battle disc's so how about learning cooking or other things?" Martha spoke as Kilo paused while looking up from his food yet the scene around him seemed to switch to him and his mother sitting at the table in a dark setting. 

"please Kilo" he heard his mother say in the distance as in a split second he was back to the conversation as if his world didn't just suddenly split. 

"Kilo?" Martha standing up approached him and hugged him "I'm sorry if my words made you uncomfortable, please don't cry" 


Feeling something wet touch his hands he looked down to see he was in fact crying and all the kids were looking at him with mixed emotions of confused, worried and surprised. 

Same with Rion but a sudden slam of the front door had everyone jump almost. 

"Martha!" Hearing Dixie yell both Rion and Martha were alert as they both went down the main corridor towards Dixie. 

"Holy fuck Dix!? What the hell did you do!?" Hearing Rion yell and Martha gasp in shock, Kilo too got up after wiping his tears away. 

The kids already beating him there huddled up in front of the living room enterway, whispering as he could see above their heads Rion immediately applying first aid?

Pushing the little ones out of the way he saw Martha with her headphones and baseline harmonising as her notes became a healing property attending to Dixie's massive gaping stomach wound. 

"What the hell did you do Dix!?" Growled Rion angrily, it had been the first time the man's behaviour actually matched his look. 

"I ran into a Dissonance" coughed Dixie as Martha started to hum a tune to help her rhythm flow smoother. 

"A Dissonance? Here, how is that possible?" 

'A Dissonance?' 

The kids clearly knowing what that was ran from the entryway to their rooms as if scare?

"Excuse me, what is a Dissonance?" Kilo asked, watching the wound on Dixie's stomach now nothing but a slight purple and blue nasty bruise. 

"A Dissonance is a member of the Corrupt Ensemble, they are wanted by the Cube. They usually exist on the outskirts of Codex. They shouldn't have even been able to get here because of Conduction." 

"I'm good, just they snuck up on me-" Dixie started to talk but was interrupted.

"-I'd like to think you didn't stupidly fight them on your own accord" Martha said as Dixie looked away sheepishly. 

'She totally did' Both Kilo and Rion thought seeing her reaction.


information time:

>> Baseline 

- The compartment that a disc is inserted into to either battle or talk, this is located on the right arm just below the holographic status.


>> Holographic status 

- Basically a phone, implementation of everything with the addition of a players status/stats. Located above the baseline.


>> Voice-line 

- A voice-line is a normal grey disc that is inserted in the baseline to allow people to talk. 


>> Headphones on 

- A line that must be said to active resonance to a disc during battle, other words may be added to this depending on a person's progression of resonance with a disc, level or skill. 


>> Codex 

- A distant place on the outskirts of RubiX 


>> RubiX 

- The world our Mc is in 


>> Song notes - Music notes 

- The end achievement to rhythm and resonance, can be exchanged during battle to achieve enhancements, skills, weapons, etc.