A familiar person

Bo Wong didn't care what people used to say about him. He couldn't stop them from what they wanted to believe thus he wouldn't bother to explain himself at all. They weren't going to bring him relief but stress and he left them to say what they preferred to think about him.

Jason Bell was a reporter and just wanted attention. He meant that Bo caught this success from his father's marvelous records.

He smiled at the photographer girl who was trying to take pictures of him. He was grateful that there were people who would support him at any cause. She looked stunning and strangely familiar! The troll beside him distracted Bo as he stopped by, waving hands for the folks.

"Ignore the guy, Bo! He talks too much. You know, too chatty like a raven." The leader of CTO, Lethid Binatha said virtuously. A troll that no one expected him to know or care about ethics.

"Is it a lie? Bo Wong!" Eris Raise from the BHT team seemed to be agreed with the reporter. He was wearing a smirk on his face while blabbering.

"Let's see how the streets would treat us, Eris!" Bo declared and moved to his assistant, while already turned his back, waving a hand for the guy who just taunted him. He had a bewilderment jumble inside his guts and couldn't let these folks make it worse.

"Ohhh, too confident Bo!" Eris shouted.

Lethid sighed and joined the rest of his team.

Inside team one's stop sect, a young man approached Bo and said, "We are ready, spank this rude proud cat!"

The young man was Ben, his mechanic. He tapped on Bo's shoulder and led him to his car. Scanner Robots began scanning each car and at the same time, a 3D image in small-sized appeared in front of drivers and their mechanics.

They were supposed to scan the cars in front of the detectors and wardens to avoid any misunderstanding that might cross with them. Anyways, these kinds of racings were not on closed tracks but the streets. Any harm could hurt the drivers and citizens so they had to be assured of the safety that they could have control over.

The gendarmes were already at each corner of Boulevards. They had announced to people through highlights and text messages that for one hour no car could cross through the paths that drivers would ride there. The pedestrian flyovers would be red for an hour and everyone used to follow the orders.

The whole skyscrapers' screens would cover the racing and people gathered in the main square to cheer and support their team from there, enjoying their time. Therefore it was a huge gathering with beers and sandwiches. That was why these competitions were used to hold at the weekends and no one would want to miss them.

The scan processing ended therefore all people in either sect witnessed that there was nothing suspicious.

"Make sure that you don't dislodge the green path on your maps, if you do so you will be deleted swiftly." Hena Shiyen, the fay girl warned everyone, as she was the leader of the TECO team and the first rank of the board. She needed 100 extra points to level up and join League 2.

She had put a tough year of practicing for this important match. And had no intention to let any of these people shut her team down. Everyone in that field had a dream, spent hard times in tracks for entering that position. It wasn't about the prizes, it was about challenging themselves and breaking records.

But for Bo, he wasn't there for either of the told reasons. He was there to find his father's assassin. No longer he was racing just for a long-term dream him but also as a way to reach his goal. Paying attention to records wasn't even in the back of his mind.

"Now, come here!" She called them in the middle, wearing the gloves that had a sign of red lightning on them. It was the symbol of the shield that was protecting them. TECO's symbol sat in the middle of a black circle.

They put their hands on each other and she added, "As fast as light, we ride in these harsh tracks of nights."

"Fight," the rest of her team answered, putting their hands up, streaming to get into their sports cars.

"Good luck Team T." Ben shouted with an energetic tune and followed Bo.

As he slammed the door, the mechanic ducked his head down the window before Bo closed it and said, "Be careful about this new path, I am sure it would cross the Feral zones across the bridge! People beyond the Vita River do like nothing about us. They might cause you trouble so settle it calmly, pal." He explained and Bo took a glance at the tinge of panic on his face.

He activated the auto zone scanner that could sense any living creature from a mile away.

"Don't worry, Ben!" He wasn't so honest while saying it.

Bo knew every single street, corner, and alley of that zone. An infamous sect that all gamblers, assassins, smugglers, and other criminals used to live and their leader called them Feral kin. Going there needed their permission. They had an illegal racing themselves, calling it Feral engines.

He wore his helmet, pressed the start button, taking hold of it, and pressing the accelerator smoothly! The ECE charged and the icon on the screen changed color from green to yellow. ECE was an engine that used to work with the clean solid energy of cubes that just needed to be charged once a while; a source of energy that never decreased but also could convert and become dangerous.

The revolution of wheels could also feed the cube for more wee energy and push them at higher speeds so the engines needed to be strong to hold that mass of coming energy. For the situations that the speed goes higher, the pressure on drivers' lungs would go under heavy air.

The TECO house improvised air filters that needed to be activated by a button near the steering wheel to control the volume of air inside the cabin and the Auto report would show any error or coming harm. For avoiding any close danger the car would stop automatically.

Bo was ready, his left feet adjusted on the clutch pedal, heaving a breath out he was waiting for the horn to lead them to start line.

These cars had no Brake pedal due to TECO Racing Laws. They used to say that no aiming racer would hit the brake pedal and it got no meaning for them. The racers wouldn't give up until they reached their goal and for this matter, the company already deleted this option for the racing drivers.

The competitors could simply decrease their speed and if it goes lower than 20KM/H the car would stop automatically so they would ride until were allowed.

He peeked at the royal seats where all drivers' families were sitting there. He searched for his mother but she wasn't there. Instead, he saw his younger brother, Fai, and their stepfather waving hands for him.

He responded to their greeting and smiled at their eager faces. His younger brother was only ten years old when they lost their father and now was fifteen.

"Gain triumph and make our father happy, Brother." It was what Fai said and he wanted to do it for him.

He rubbed his attention from them as Queen Card in the pocket on his chest jolted! He forgot to leave it inside his belongings safe box. The screen inside the car changed the image from engine reports to audiences.

Bo was amazed that how was it possible! It was magic and there was no magician in Las Vita that could do that and interfered with their technology.

His eyes circled as he saw the familiar cloaked stranger among the chippering folk!

"The juggler?" He repeated to himself.