
"Boys! You are here. I almost checked on everywhere."

A young fay slammed the door behind him.

"Enammer! What are you doing here, did Manager Mernoth allow you to get out of the dormitory?" Delun asked.

Enammer was a fay and son of The Collinaze family who were human Cadickus heads, the judges that were controlling the Cadickus court of Hekhamen province.

Enammer was an orphan fay and had been adopted by them and neither of fays could accept him as one of them because he grew up in a human family. It didn't matter how high positioned they were.

"He permitted me, man I saw he sent those four proud peacocks to the kitchen for doing the dishes." Enammer rejoined.

"Then how did he allow you?" Scot asked.

"To take them to our chamber, we have two empty beds and their stuff came earlier." Enammer seemed happier than anyone did, that his friends came to stay in the court zone and closer to him.

"Come, sit, and look what those parliament rascals did to us." Delun said, directing to the chair, then to his face.

"Well, I am ready Bo! Give us some information about those bodies." Scot stated, leaning back on a bed in front of Bo.

"Alight, three of us were strolling near the river but rustling bushes and stink drew us to the forest. Some hyenas were around it but neither of them dared to get close because one of them was already dead while aimed to have the torn deer."


"Enammer warned us that he sensed a malice thing and we didn't touch them."

"What else did you notice there? Any other trace that could lead us to the murderer." Rebecca asked.

"Are you detectives or only two nurses?" Delun blurted under breath.

"Who knows?" John came out of the Lab that had a door connected to this room. He had some pictures in his hand, passing them to his girlfriend Rebecca, added, "These are shoe prints that we received. Not a human like you and I can do such a thing."

"So we are suspected that must be a fay that consumed drug!" Rebecca finished and put the pictures on the table in front of Bo.

He picked them up so Delun and Enammer surged to see what it was.

"Where is here! It has snow on the cobbled floor and the footprints are exactly the same." Enammer said.

"We saw these in the forest but is this one here in the court zone?"

They were comparing the pictures and couldn't find where it could be. All the courts had cobble roads.

"Only one place has snow in this season! The shrine on another side of the bridge, on the peak of Gods Crown mountains." Bo declared.

There the cobbles had carved like the one n the picture.

"Bingo!" John answered.

"Couldn't you see any other piece? Like nail, hair, or anything else." Scot repeated.

Eyes rolled on Enammer. She was a fay with a strong vision.

"No, nothing! I also checked up the trees on branches. I am a hawk fay and if there was any of those, I could see it." He said.

"Which kind of drug it can be?" Bo asked.

"We have no record of it, but we already found its content. The saliva that the murderer left was way higher than you could imagine." Scot explained.

"Does my mother know all of this?" Bo asked.

"Yes, she wanted to take you out but master Karmalin guaranteed that no one can hurt you!" Scot added, tapping on Bo's shoulder.

"DNA analysis?" Bo added.

"The drug changes it!"

"About the hyena! How it died?" Delun asked, remembering how its body spoiled and even flies were escaping away from it.

"Oh, man that poor one! The drug in deer body killed it."

"Damn, so this is contagious." Enammer scared.

"Not until infusing to your blood. It can turn to poison in the second host's body and choke it then spoil it like ascid." Rebecca said.

The boys gazed at each other. This was terrifying and someone here in the IC –Immortality Court- was consuming that trash.

The hunters showed interest in this case at first but as soon as they realized a fay caused it, relied the case on Aligners.

"Who is seeking this case?" Bo asked.

"Ah, you trouble makers! Ask this one from your masters." Scot growled.

"Please scot! If you tell us we wouldn't show up here again." Delun pleaded.

"I am sure if I tell you! I will see you soon here in a horrible owe situation." He replied, turning his face leaving the room.

"Becca! You look more beautiful today!" Delun tried another way.

Becca pecked his head with her knuckles. "No way! It is none of our business."

"Hey, don't flirt with my girlfriend! I dislike it." John warned while had a pen in his hand.

"You are strange! Both of you." Delun nagged.

Like a gust of wind, John moved out of the room. He was sure about the noise that he heard.

"What's wrong?" Delun asked.

"Someone was overhearing." Enammer said and followed John.

In the corridor, John saw a fay boy and said, "Do you know who those fays were?"

"Yes, Mark and Bernard Eltherin. How much they heard?"

"Everything. Tell your friends that you asked questions and got no answers. Soon you will be in hot water." John alerted.

Enammer nodded and they returned to the room.

"Boys, you are fine and can leave." John released them.

They went out of the infirmary. Glaring up to the dormitory building Enammer said, "What they were doing here? Shouldn't they be in the kitchen, scrubbing the dishes! The manager won't make this easy on them."

"Tomorrow will become a buzzing day." Bo exclaimed.

They heard the details of the murder and might spread it around to show off. Directing to Bo and Delun that were taking out the words from the nurses and would add a bunch of nonsense into it. Delun thought, wishing that Commander Chen had the case already so they could be a part of it.

"Tell me what happened to you, Bo? I was watching the racing from the track and everything went all in mess." Enammer asked, then turning his face to Delun, "Where have you been with this Panda short? You look awfully stupid."

"Thank you for mentioning! You were the last one who mocked me."

Enammer put his card on the screen of the railing door. It moved away, permitting the boys to cross and enter the dormitory sect.