King Card: Survive

The fresh humid air kissed Bo's face, rushed to his lungs, and let go of the tension that roamed at him a while ago. Now, he learned about another aspect of Karmalin's morality.

Although the pastorates always used any grasped chance to put him down, at the time, unlike what they believed, he gently arrived; without calling the fay boy's rough family. Ethereal Reona probably hit the ceiling if he ever learned that his grandson sold his soul to Lashuka against power.

Bo scanned around to see if no one kept eyes on him. Sneaking to the rose garden, he opened the secret door that was concealed behind ivies. It was connected to a dirt road that could reach the cemetery.

"Well, let's see how does the king card's world look like." He heaved out a breath and strode to the streaming fog.

Bo barely could believe that almost every night he must come to this place.

"Welcome, Kid!" Bo looked around but the juggler wasn't there.

A golden king card welled up, hovering in front of him.