An old friend

"I am going to talk to Fai!" Bo said, his brother was upset because Bo didn't even send a simple text to apologize for disappearing for three days.

Approaching his brother coughed, "Little one! What are you doing here?" He leaned back to the door beside Fai. 

"None of your business, brother!" Rolled his head away and the hood already concealed his face.

"Did you see the video?" Bo asked and Fai yet was glancing away, robbing his eyes off him.

"Yes, and you freak, didn't I told you always be contacted to my server? I could cover you."

"You said, man. I am sorry! And you are not in the age to sulk with me." He surged for Fai's head ringing his arm around his neck.

"You are growing up so fast! Soon you will be as tall as me." He added while scrubbing Fai's hood.

"You, let go of me."

Bo released him and he stepped backward, removing his hood, those dark brown eyes glowed. His wavy dark hair grew messy.