Bronze mirror

  "Please let me release the vampires from the book. They must be fine by now." Master Zarahin turned to his grandson, added, "My son, help me with this."

Enammer stood in front of him, holding the notebook for his grandfather.

The page was blank and he drew out his pen, sketching a code on it. The code whirled and dragged out all of the vampires. They appeared on the damp earth of the yard near the Cemetery.

"Emanuel, are you alright?" Commander Chen asked. 

"We are fine, the people of the moving city cured us!" He announced and the old man satisfyingly nodded.

The rest of the golden ink got back to the pen and he put it back on his packet. The notebook was not just a magical world but also a bridge for traveling to the moving city where was a huge carnival always in there for entertaining the visitors. The city that the werewolf juggler and his Queerish were managing for Zarahin.