The Parliament hunters

Cavern state, the house of winged humans but not the real ones was the place of their mission. Once upon a time, they had real wings but they made the gods furious and the curse had only one punishment, losing of the wings.

They had more longevity, minimum of 200y and a maximum of 400y. Their thirty five years old Queen Sherlin was famous and popular so that the strangers had no right to insult her, if they did, then they must expect the taste of cold blade on their upward waterway.

The State of Cavern was a triple island with tremendous bridges that contacted them. There were thousands of conical mountains full of caves that people made their resistant houses inside each. Here technology was limited to the light of cubes to keep the land glowing but vehicles were restricted to carts, ships,  horses, flying shoes, and wings. No cars, bikes nor robots, and such kind.