
Bo felt that his face was burning, his body had gone numb and stiff, he opened his eyes.

It was the heat hues dancing in front of him. He coughed, from his dry torn lips, he discovered that was real. 

He was thirsty and hurt. The last thing he remembered was that the juggler tossed him here. He regretted going too far.

"You are a fool, Bo!" He pressed his hand against the sand, it squeezed down and he barely managed to sit on his knees. 

As much as the eyes could reach were the hills of sands.

"Fine, where should I go now?" He had no inkling where he was. He put his hand on his pocked. The box of cards was still there. He drew off the Spade card and jumped on it.

A brutal warm wind hit him on the face. His skin burned. He continued going straight but in no way, he was frustrated and thirsty and without enough energy, neither of these mind powers could work. He barely managed to move the card.