Chapter 6 - The Spirit Race

The Era of Immortals.

Heaven observes this era and contemplated.

In the time when the immortals were flourishing, some things just don't feel complete.

It took Heaven thousands of years before he could realize what it was.

A new race. One that was in tune with nature.

The human and beasts weren't exactly in tune with nature. Whatever they do, they would sometimes destroy nature unintentionally. Especially when the humans and demon beasts fight, nature was always the one who suffers.

While the spirit beast could be considered to be in tune with nature, they were not necessarily birthed by nature. They could also destroy nature unexpectedly.

What Heaven needed was exactly a race birthed by nature and belongs to nature.

Hence, Heaven willed the world's law to give the things in nature consciousness.

Another tremble from the world and it was done.

This time, the trembling of the world wasn't accompanied by flashes of enlightenment from Heaven and the living beings in the world were puzzled. But they just shrugged it off after a moment of confusion.

Even though it was done, nature would still need to do its part. To let the things in nature amass qi for thousands of years to properly develop their self-awareness.

Thousands of years then passed.

Heaven looked on as the first spirit was birthed from a mountain in the immortal realm. It was a mountain with the most abundant qi. Even though the qi in the mountain had always been abundant, the world's law prevented it to develop self-awareness. Else the mountain might have developed its consciousness years ago.

After the first spirit was birthed, various kinds of others followed.

Stone spirit, tree spirit, water spirit, fire spirit, and many others.

The spirits might have been birthed with a vast amount of qi, but they still need to cultivate to obtain powerful cultivation.

It was the rise of a new type of race in all the realms.

The spirits might take a long time to be born, but they have their advantages too.

The moment they were born, the spirits will have equal the strength of a Golden Core Immortal.

Spirits also had an innate domain advantage depending on the spirit itself, they could merge and utilize the power of nature in an area as long as it was similar to them. Their strength could match a Heavenly Immortal with the help of their domain.

For example, a tree spirit in a forest could utilize the power of the forest to trap or kill the enemy. However, each spirit race also has their disadvantage. The water and fire spirit can't be together, and the fire spirit could easily fight a tree spirit.

Even then, the spirits were cordial to one another, but they would hate the destroyer of nature. In this case, the humans and demon beasts, while somewhat neutral to the spirit beasts.

Hence, conflict with the other races arises. And with the spirit beasts siding with the spirit races, they could somehow stand on equal ground with the two major races.

Especially since the humans and demons had always been at odds with each other, it became a three-way conflict.

Time passed, and the conflicts became a war between races.

The battle in the three major realms only intensified the war.

And just when the humans and demons were thinking about taking over a major realm, the spirit race beat them to it.

The majority of the spirit race had already gathered in one realm and transforms that realm into a haven for spirits, taking over a major realm.

Because of that, the war entered a brief lull. And after a negotiation between the humans and demons, they each chose a major realm to settle themselves in.

A temporary peace ensued to settle in their new home. After they were done, a tense mood between the three races resurfaced, and the leaders of the three races created an agreement.

An agreement to move the conflict to the smaller realms. While not attacking the major realms since they had become the home of the three races.

And while the conflict was moved to the smaller realm, it wouldn't do if they fight in every realm.

Therefore, they designated a few dozen small realms as the neutral zone where they could trade with each other.

After the agreement was done, they named their major realm the Human Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Myriad Spirit Realm respectively.

Thousands of years have passed since the agreement.

Another age of prosperity washed over the world. And the strength of the three races reached an all-time high.

The spirits took advantage of their domains, the demons in their innate body strength, while humans can only take advantage of their numbers.

The number of humans in the world far surpassed the numbers of both demons and spirits, and that made up for their lack of innate strength.

Therefore, a balance between the three races was established and the conflicts between the races stayed inside the smaller realms

No huge war that spanned for realms appeared and the world entered another period of cultivation rapidly and new immortals popped up everywhere.

And then, after countless years of waiting.

An immortal finally ascended to the God Realm.

The first to become a god.

Under Heaven's watchful eyes.