Chapter 12 - Of Gods and Immortals (1 of 2)

When Nie Feng creates his Dao Seed, the world's laws trembled. It trembles harder than when he advanced to the Nirvana Immortal stage.

Moments after, he looked at the starry void outside.

He sensed the gods that were closing in. They were only at the God stage.

Without further thought, Nie Feng went out to the starry void to kill them.

The battle didn't even take long.

But when Nie Feng was about to go, a few other gods appeared. Ones that were stronger than the previous gods.

Soon, another battle ensued.

Even though Nie Feng could feel they were stronger, after a fight, he felt like he could still take on one of the High Gods even when he was only at the peak of the Nirvana Immortal stage.

And now that he advanced, his strength was multiplied. He could take them down easily.

Minutes later, the High Gods were dead.

Nie Feng waited there in the starry void for a few moments.

Seeing no more gods coming to him, Nie Feng went back to the realm. The Human Realm.

Arriving there, Nie Feng powered his Dao Seeker cultivation base to gather the Void Immortals there.

Earlier, he had purposely advanced to the Dao Seeker stage in this realm so he could draw in the gods near this place and fight outside the realm.

That way, all of the Void Immortals, even from the other races, would notice the commotion outside the realm.

Even though the Void Immortals wouldn't know who it was that was fighting, just the intensity of the battle would let the immortals know that there are stronger beings out there.

Especially when the battles were using the laws of the world.

Hence, the Void Immortals' attention was also drawn to the battle in the starry void.

After which, they immediately went to Nie Feng who had been waiting for them.

A few minutes later, the Void Immortals from the other races arrived from their realm.

After all of the Void Immortals arrived, Nie Feng told them anything he knew.

About the Nirvana realm and its subsequent stages. About the God stage and how it was not the right path, and how the God Realm was just a scheme from Heaven.

Some of the Void Immortals were preparing to advance to the God stage, but hearing this news they were skeptical at first.

However, since Nie Feng himself was the example of going through the immortal path, they could feel some truth to his word. Furthermore, he was attacked by the gods, hence they decided to listen to him.

After all of it was done, Nie Feng holds a lecture to them about the Nirvana Immortal stage.

After the lecture was done, two immortals advance and become Nirvana Immortals, drawing Heaven's attention once again.

This time, Nie Feng helps the other immortals to hold the gods back.

And after killing the gods, Nie Feng told the other immortals to let them spread the news about this.

At the same time, Nie Feng established the Anti-Gods coalition.

Thousands of years passed.

Since then, no immortals had ascended to the God Realm.

• • • • • •

Ever since the Dao Seeker stage immortal appeared, Heaven's observation of the immortal world had become blurry.

Heaven realized that it had started to blur ever since the first Nirvana Immortal appeared. He just didn't notice it the first time since he was blinded by the thought of eliminating that immortal.

It was the laws of the world.

The laws were barring him to see the immortal world.

Previously, the grade of the laws in the Immortal Realms was a few grades lower than in the God Realm.

But now, ever since the Dao Seeker stage immortal appeared, Heaven could feel the worldly laws that cover the whole Immortal Realms were almost at the same grade as the God Realm.

Heaven noticed that the laws at the Immortal Realms were being upgraded little by little when an immortal advanced.

And Heaven didn't know how it was even possible. Perhaps it has always been possible but he just didn't know it.

Now, Heaven had to send gods to let them be his eyes.

Looking at the vast God Realm, the number of gods was in the thousands. There were around twenty Godkings, hundreds of High Gods, and the rest were at the God stage.

By now, the seeds of law from Heaven had merged with the gods completely. Heaven could easily control the gods through the seeds of law.

The gods were his pawns.

They were immortals who ascended.

Now that the immortals no longer ascend to godhood, Heaven was irritated.

Heaven was thinking about sending more gods to stop the immortals from breaking through, but remembering that Dao Seeker Immortal, Heaven decided not to.

That Dao Seeker would kill the gods if they entered the immortal world.

Rather than sending more gods to their death, Heaven decided to wait for the limit of the immortal world to raise a little more and he could just send his incarnation to fight.

Soon, thousands of years passed.

Heaven could no longer observe the immortal world.

It had gone from the blurry state until Heaven can no longer observe without forcing open the laws that were blocking his view.

Every time an immortal advanced past the Void Immortal stage, the laws in the immortal world were getting thicker and stronger.

Especially since more Dao Seeker stage immortals appeared. If an immortal past that stage appeared, Heaven will have to attack the laws of the immortal world personally to see the happenings inside the immoral world.

And just right on time, when more than thousands of years passed, the world's laws tremble furiously.

The laws in the immortal world were raised to a new grade. Even though they were still slightly weaker, the laws had now reached the same grade as the god world.

Heaven who had been watching from the God Realm reacted.

After the trembles from the laws of the world stop and the immortal world's laws were elevated completely, Heaven sends one of his incarnations to enter the immortal world and kill that immortal who had advanced to the next stage of the immortal path.

Overgods. They were Heaven's Incarnation. They could tap into Heaven's laws. But only a certain amount of it. Else their body would explode.

When the Overgod entered the immortal world, Heaven sees through the eyes of the Overgod.

Nothing much had changed aside from the thickness of the laws inside the immortal world.

Moments later, the Overgod arrived outside the realm.

A man was already waiting. And from the looks of it, it was the immortal who had advanced to the next stage.

Soon, a fight ensued.

The battle lasted for quite some time.

Originally, Heaven had sent the Overgod to kill that immortal, but as it turns out, the immortal was stronger by a bit even when the Overgod taps into Heaven's laws. Perhaps because of the distance, the laws from Heaven got weaker.

Hence, Heaven recalled the Overgod.

It seems like he would either need to send more Overgod to attack or just something else...

With a thought, all the gods, whatever they were doing, stop.

Their gaze dulled.

Heaven had forcibly taken over their body and gathered all of them in the central region of the God Realm.

Though this was prepared in case the gods rebelled against him, turns out this was also the right moment to use.

Somewhere along the line, Heaven wanted to control all living beings. But decided to just focus on the top-grade cultivators.

It was something about not wanting to be surpassed and be the ruler of the world. But something seems to go wrong from who knows where.

Hence, it had come to this.

Heaven fiercely willed the God Realm to cross the now thin barrier between the God Realm and Immortal Realms.

He was going to invade the immortal world.