Chapter 14 - Wang Tian

Heaven was shocked.

He never thought there could be another him.

For Heaven, Wang Tian was the name when he was still a mortal. A mortal from Earth.

But he didn't use that name anymore. Especially since he had become Heaven. He didn't want to. It's not because he despised the name or anything, it's just because he is now Heaven.

"You must be wondering how I could exist." Wang Tian chuckled.

Wang Tian's figure made out of energy appeared in front of Heaven's consciousness.

Of course, Heaven was wondering. He never even noticed that another him exists inside the core.

"No. You should be wondering how you, Heaven, could exist instead." Wang Tian continued.

Even though Heaven was only a consciousness made out of laws, Wang Tian could feel he was frowning. Trying to recall what had happened back then.

When Wang Tian's soul drifted in the void after he died, his soul had inadvertently drifted towards a World Seed and fused with it.

Then the World Seed scanned his whole memories. Searching for templates about worlds.

Wang Tian didn't know why, but the World Seed didn't choose a similar world like Earth, where he was born and lived his whole life.

Instead, it had chosen a cultivation world.

Perhaps it has to do with him.

Wang Tian was fond of cultivation novels. And his subconscious must have influenced the World Seed in creating a cultivation world.

That's why it had come to this.

Heaven's birth.

For all Wang Tian knows, Heaven was the most powerful existence in a cultivation world. The ruler of the world. The one who decides the world's fate.

Heaven was supposed to be the most perfect being.

But, something must've happened along the way.

Heaven was born from Wang Tian's thoughts and some of his memories, infused with the World's Laws.

In a sense, Heaven was Wang Tian's clone.

But since Heaven didn't have all of Wang Tian's memories, not even their personality, some things were bound to be different.

Even though Heaven was attached to the soul, that didn't mean Heaven would be the owner of the soul. Wang Tian's soul.

Heaven was a consciousness that was born from Wang Tian's thoughts. Realized by the World's Laws.

Heaven was Wang Tian's second ego. Perhaps, that's also why Heaven got most of Wang Tian's bad side. Wang Tian might have subconsciously wanted to get rid of his bad thoughts.

And the result was this kind of Heaven. A Heaven with emotions and such like a living being.

Like when Heaven enslave the gods in case they rebelled. Heaven might have thought too much about the living beings. The immortals.

Though Wang Tian would have thought the same, that didn't mean he would do the same. Other than it was bad taking over someone else's free will, something about it just seems ominous.

There were so many novels Wang Tian had read that had a similar occurrence where the slave or someone who just didn't like that kind of thing would overthrow the slaver.

And they would succeed because someone would help that rebel. It's just the way the world works.

There were bound to be defier. Far in the future, someone will defy Heaven. It just so happens that because Heaven has emotion, the process was fast-forwarded and the rebels appeared much earlier. Particularly when the rebels had help from someone.

In this case, that someone was Wang Tian.

He helps the immortals to fully open the immortal path. Sending the necessary knowledge to a particular immortal filled with great destiny.

That immortal had a bright glow of destiny shining on his soul. And after Wang Tian sends the knowledge, it shines even brighter. Like the moon at the night. It was then, that Wang Tian keeps on helping that particular immortal, which eventually became a Daolord.

Wang Tian didn't know when Heaven had the thought of enslaving the living beings by creating the god realm.

When he found out, the gods had already started to appear in the god realm. The altered Heaven Continent. A place that could have become the immortals' paradise when they reach the peak of their cultivation.

At least that's what was in Wang Tian's mind when he thought about the Heaven Continent.

And if Wang Tian were going to alter it back, who knows how long it would take. Even then, it would be different.

He was not Heaven, who was given most of the authority over the world. Even though Wang Tian also has some of them, compared to Heaven, the amount was much different.

Wang Tian would have to assimilate Heaven if he needs more authority.

And that's what he's going to do.

It was good news for Wang Tian when Heaven created the Overgods to support Heaven's incarnation.

They were created using Heaven's authority. It made them stronger, but also made Heaven weaker than it was supposed to be.

If the incarnation was killed, the authorities inside them will return to Heaven.

Four incarnations were killed, and that's when Wang Tian made his move. He took over some of the authorities when they were returning to Heaven's Core.

Slowly chipping away control from Heaven.

And by the time he had enough, Heaven's authority was already less than his.

He cuts off Heaven's connection with the Core, allowing Wang Tian to take over the Core completely.

That's when Heaven came back.

Meanwhile, Heaven finally came to his sense after recalling how he was born.

All this time, Heaven had thought he was the real Wang Tian. Who suddenly becomes Heaven.

Heaven didn't know when the irregularity started. But he should have realized it somewhere along the way.

Heaven didn't act like Wang Tian. Maybe there were some similarities. But that's it. Nothing more.

If Heaven was Wang Tian, he might have created a new body to roam the world. Not just observing the world in this form made of laws.

"How is it?"

Wang Tian's voice woke Heaven from his thoughts.

Heaven felt bitter.

"You can return to me now."

Even though Heaven was reluctant, there was nothing he can do anymore. Heaven's authority was frozen by Wang Tian.

By now, Wang Tian's authority was much more than Heaven's.

Wang Tian was only saying that since Heaven could be said to be his second ego.

With a thought from Wang Tian, Heaven's consciousness was absorbed into the Core. Easily assimilated. Never to appear again.

Wang Tian lets out an audible sigh as if he has been holding his breath.

He thought Heaven would do something disastrous, but seems like he just thought too much.

Though it was never a bad thing to prepare for the worst.

"Now then, what should I do with these guys."

Wang Tian cast his gaze outside. Towards the battle between the gods and immortals. That should have still been ongoing.

However, the moment Heaven was gone, the gods regained their control over their bodies. And the battle was gradually ceasing.

"First, what should I even do with the gods." He sighed.

After thinking to himself, Wang Tian came up with something he thought would be great.

"Ah... This should be a great idea."

"If they still hate me for this, that's their problem."

"Considering the stuff they just went through, I'll just beat anyone who feels unhappy about this."