Chapter 17 - Name

Without further thought about who this Liu Yan might be, Wang Tian left the room while holding the baby. At the same time, he also took the token with him.

He didn't bother to wait for the midwife to bury Liu Yan. He could easily find where her grave later after they buried her.

Right now, Wang Tian was focused on the baby. He was curious.

For mortals, this baby might just look the same as any other baby. But in his eyes, it was different. There were wisps of golden light flickering around the baby.

When Wang Tian look into the baby's soul, it was glowing with a golden light.

Noticing this phenomenon, Wang Tian was really curious, he decided to go back to his shop with the baby to find out further what this is all about.

Though Wang Tian lived in a shop, never once did a customer ever enter the building, not even a glance of the shop. Wang Tian had put some enchantment on the building to make the people subconsciously ignore the shop.

It was something he did to avoid the hassle of people coming in and out of the shop even though it was still unlikely for customers to enter this little souvenir shop.

That's also the reason why the previous owner of this place was eager to sell this shop to someone else. This shop can be said to be going out of business.

Also, do note that Wang Tian didn't take over this small shop by force. Since he was in the mortal realm, he had decided to act like a mortal. And so, he did. At least most of the time.

This time, Wang Tian was only here to find out about the disturbance in the laws of the realm a few months earlier, hence he only needed a place to stay. He doesn't need that interaction with the mortals. That's why there's the enchantment.

Inside the shop, there were small trinkets of different types in the shop. They were just the things the previous owner left behind. Wang Tian never bothers to replace them with anything else.

After entering the shop, he went straight to the counter and place the now-sleeping baby on top. The baby was already asleep by the time they arrived at the shop.

After that, Wang Tian proceeds to inspect the soul of the baby carefully. The baby's soul was glowing in a golden light. After further inspection, there was a small round golden thing inside the baby's soul. It was like a seed. A golden seed.

Wang Tian then prodded the golden seed with his consciousness, in which he received some feedback from said seed. Pieces of knowledge soon came into his mind.

The golden seed came from the laws in the realm. And this golden seed was a seed of Fate from this realm. The appearance of this seed signifies great changes in the whole realm, and the owner of the seed shall be the source of it.

With that, the future of the realm was unpredictable since it depends on the owner of the seed. It could be filled with peace and prosperity, or it could be filled with war and destruction.

Anyone with the golden seed of fate will be able to influence the state of the world when the seed matured. Becoming a true golden core of fate.

Those who possess a golden fate could not be stopped easily. They might encounter some setbacks, but they will eventually be able to pass through any problems.

As long as their fate was still glowing a golden glow, they have fate on their side. Any dangerous situation they met can be changed into some kind of lucky encounter for them. At worst, they just escaped with heavy injuries.

That is of course if they have a golden fate.

However, in the case of this baby in front of Wang Tian, the fate was still that of a seed. It needs to gather more fate energy before it could mature into a true golden fate. Breaking out of the seed.

And as long as the baby's golden seed gathers enough, he would be able to influence the whole world until the day his fate ran out, becoming just like any other common people.

Finding out about this information from the laws, Wang Tian was amazed at what a possessor of a golden fate can do.

After skimming through the knowledge from the laws of this realm again, Wang Tian was pleased.

His time in the mortal world might not be so boring after all.

With the thought of the future in mind, Wang Tian decided to raise the child as his disciple.

In the first place, his initial thought in getting the baby was to see what the golden light is all about.

But now, he decided to raise the child and see the day the child will shake the whole realm.

"That should be something worth seeing." Wang Tian muttered.

Looking at the baby sleeping on the counter, Wang Tian decided to give him a name.

"Liu Kong."

"That's not bad." Wang Tian nodded to himself.

Since Liu Kong wasn't his own child, it didn't feel quite right for Wang Tian to give Liu Kong his last name Wang.

Most importantly, Liu Kong still has his relatives in the Red Willow Kingdom. In the future, Liu Kong will definitely go and see them.

Besides, Wang Tian didn't plan to forever let Liu Kong follow him. Wang Tian was planning to tell Liu Kong about his family when he grew up.

Liu Kong has his own life to live. His own fate.

He, Wang Tian, was just a passerby in this realm.

At this moment, Wang Tian suddenly felt like he was a nanny. He even feels like he was Liu Kong's lucky encounter. He smiled unconsciously when he thought about it.

"Fate... How mysterious..."

Since Wang Tian hasn't completely familiarized himself with his Authority, Wang Tian still can't access all the laws of the world as he likes. If he could access the laws of the world as freely, he would be able to understand how the world moves and so much more. At the minimum, his mastery over the Authority had to exceed the mortal world's Authority first.

For now, he could only look through the laws in a small-scale area. Like the laws of this realm where he was in. He could still mess a bit with the laws in here.

Shaking his head, Wang Tian took another look at baby Liu Kong.

"This is going to feel like a lifetime taking care of you."

"And time is the last thing that I'm lacking." Wang Tian smiled.