Chapter 19 - Cultivation

After successfully storing the qi inside his dantian, Liu Kong officially became a cultivator. An early-stage qi condensation stage cultivator.

Right then, he could feel some sort of power inside of him.

After a while, he opened his eyes and break out of the meditation state.

"I did it!" His face lit up as he cried out.

"Teacher, I did it!"

"Well done. Now stabilize your cultivation." Wang Tian said with a smile.

"Yes!" Liu Kong immediately closes his eyes to meditate and stabilize his cultivation.

Feeling the qi inside his dantian, Liu Kong was slowly familiarizing himself with his cultivation even though his excitement was in the way.

For a young boy growing up hearing about cultivators and suddenly becoming one, how could he not be excited?

It took quite a while before he could reign in his excitement. Then he circulates his qi to stabilize his cultivation.

A bit of time passes.

Exhaling a few more times, Liu Kong opened his eyes once more.

"Teacher, I'm done!" His excitement was still visible on his face.

"Next time, you should stabilize your cultivation first before you celebrate!" Wang Tian said sternly.

Hearing his teacher's serious voice, Liu Kong turned serious as well. But his excitement was still high.

"Yes, teacher! I apologize!" He nodded seriously as well.

For as long as he could remember, this might be one of the times when his teacher speaks seriously.

"No need to apologize. It's your cultivation. You should reflect on your own." Wang Tian said softly.

"Yes! Teacher, how about the stage after qi condensing stage?"

"I will tell you when it's time."

"Okay, teacher!"

"For now, you only need to know about the small stages inside the qi condensing stage."

Hearing that, young Liu Kong's eyes lit up, and he prepared to listen carefully.

"While in this stage, you will need to fill your dantian, condense more qi and break a few layers inside your dantian. Each layer you break will expand your dantian so it could store more qi." Wang Tian paused for a while before continuing.

"The amount of layers to break depends on the person, more precisely, it depends on the talent of each person. The more layers are broken, the more qi you can store. Be careful of damaging your dantian when breaking through the layers. When you feel that you reached your limit, you should stop." Wang Tian paused to see if Liu Kong was still listening. He continued after looking at Liu Kong's immature yet serious face.

"Even if you have reached your limit, if you have the necessary treasure or medicine, you can still expand your dantian. But the danger of damaging your dantian will also increase. That's it. Any questions?" Wang Tian asked.

"No, teacher." After thinking for a while, Liu Kong replied

"Very well, you can ask me later when you have some questions."


Time passes since Liu Kong started his cultivation.

As the days passed, Liu Kong would meditate every day in the middle of the courtyard.

Liu Kong still didn't have any other technique he could use other than the manual from Wang Tian.

Besides, Liu Kong's only thought, at least for now, was just cultivating and feeling the wondrous strength he got from cultivating.

Since he was a child, his teacher had been telling him stories about cultivators and how powerful they are.

Flying on a sword, manipulating the wind and rain, flipping a mountain, and other mystical abilities he couldn't think of.

Because of the stories from his teacher, Liu Kong had been fascinated by cultivators since he was young.

And from what he could tell, his teacher should be a cultivator as well. Especially remembering the time when how he suddenly received the meditation manual inside his mind.

In normal circumstances, Liu Kong would have been very surprised at that moment. But his excitement to cultivate was too high back then. That's why he had subconsciously ignored it somehow.

Regardless, Liu Kong just throws that bit of info to the back of his mind and continues to cultivate.

As the days passed, Liu Kong was slowly gaining momentum in his cultivation.

Daytime turned to nighttime, nighttime turned to daytime.

A few weeks later, Liu Kong finally filled his dantian completely for the first time.

Following the instructions from the manual he got, Liu Kong proceeds to break through the first layer. Enlarging his dantian.

After breaking through, his dantian became a bit empty. The space inside his dantian had become bigger. He had entered the second layer.

Liu Kong didn't know how many layers he had to break before he reached his limit. But he didn't try to think about it. His mind was focused on cultivating. Besides, his teacher had said he would be able to feel the moment he reached his limit.

After stabilizing his cultivation base, Liu Kong returned to cultivating immediately.

At this rate, he might be called a cultivation maniac if other people find out.

Liu Kong kept on cultivating, but he was not rushing. He cultivates slowly but surely.

More time passes.

Days turned to months, and months turned to years.

6 years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the middle of the courtyard at the back of the store.

A young man around the age of 18 could be seen sitting in a lotus position with a middle-aged man observing him from a distance.

The childish feature on Liu Kong's face was gone. Replaced by the fine features of a young man.

Throughout the years that passed, Liu Kong cultivates every day. In Wang Tian's eyes, Liu Kong was labeled as a cultivation maniac. A maniac who still has his sanity.

That's because, while others would have rushed their cultivation, Liu Kong cultivates steadily for the past few years without rushing. Yet, Liu Kong never pause.

Years of tireless cultivation. With a total of 9 layers broken, Liu Kong finally feels the limit his teacher had been talking about.

After breaking through the 9 layers, the size of his dantian had expanded as many times as the layers he had broken.

And after reaching the limit, Liu Kong took a couple of weeks to stabilize his cultivation before he took another few months to fill his dantian again.

And now, Liu Kong was preparing to break through into the Foundation Building stage.