Chapter 22 - Liu Kong's Family

Hearing what his teacher just said, Liu Kong was stunned for a second before his expression turned serious.

Though he never asks about it, Liu Kong would sometimes wonder what happened to his parents.

Since he was a child, Wang Tian had been telling him that he was not his father and to call him a teacher instead.

Liu Kong had never seen his parents as well since they never visited him.

"I will only tell you what I know about your parents."

"Your mother's name is Liu Yan,"

"And she died just moments after giving birth to you." Wang Tian paused for a moment to let Liu Kong process what he just said.

Liu Kong was silent.

He was indeed processing what his teacher just said.

As it dawned on him, he felt a bit lost. It seems like he won't be able to see his mother.

"If you want to see her grave, it's there at the cemetery outside of the town."

"As for your father, I do not know who and where he is." Wang Tian continued.

Liu Kong took a few moments to calm himself after hearing all of this.

He never expects his mother would be dead already. Even his father was nowhere to be seen.

After a while, Liu Kong manages to calm himself down.

"Teacher, I want to see my mother's grave," Liu Kong started.

"Hmm, go." Wang Tian just nodded.

Liu Kong immediately sets off to the cemetery outside of the town.

A few minutes later, he arrived at his mother's grave.

With his strengthened spiritual sense as a Foundation stage cultivator, he had directly pinpointed her mother's grave just after he arrived.

What he sees was just a grave like any others.

Other than the words Liu Yan on the tombstone, it's pretty much similar to other graves.

Though Liu Kong feels a bit sad, that was it. He didn't really have a deep emotional attachment to his mother.

He stayed silent while looking at his mother's grave, accompanied by the gloomy air of the cemetery.

Moments later, Liu Kong left.

He was going back to the store to see his teacher.

However, after he arrived at the store, his teacher was no longer there.

What greeted him was a letter and a token with the word Liu on it and a symbol of a tree on the other side.

Opening the letter, Liu Kong read it carefully.

However, the content of the letter made him serious.

It was about his mother.

In short, his mother was already injured while giving birth to him. But since she was a cultivator, she could still hang on. And she seems to give in after he was born. Hence she died.

As for the token, it was a token from the Liu Clan of the Red Willow Kingdom.

"Liu clan... The Red Willow Kingdom..." Liu Kong murmured to himself while looking at the golden token. His teacher told him everything he needs to know in the letter.

Looking back at the letter, he read the last sentence.

"You can now do whatever you want." He muttered to himself.

And just after he read the last sentence, the letter dispersed into qi particles.

He knew that this letter was from his teacher.

He had long since guessed that his teacher is a powerful cultivator, he just didn't know how powerful he is.

Even when he became a Foundation stage cultivator, he can't sense anything from his teacher. It was like his teacher was just an ordinary person. And if he didn't see with his own eyes, his teacher can't be sense with the spiritual sense.

Shaking his head, Liu Kong focused on his current matter.

Since his teacher said he can do what he wants, then he might just do that.

At least he found a goal for himself.

To go to the Liu clan at the Red Willow Kingdom. And to find out his heritage.

At the same time, he wants to find out who his father is and why his father was not with his mother.

Also, he wants to know who injured his mother.

If his mother was a cultivator, the enemy should also be a cultivator.

He didn't know how strong the enemy will be, but at least he had to find out first.

Liu Kong didn't pack much.

Just a small bag strapped to his back and he was ready to get on the road, towards who knows where the Red Willow Kingdom is.

He didn't know. His teacher never taught him that.

He was only taught about the basics of life and how to cultivate.

At least he could defend himself on the road with his cultivation.

And so, Liu Kong started his journey.

Meanwhile, Wang Tian's clone had long since dispersed just after Liu Kong went to the graves. To be precise, the letter he gave to Liu Kong's was the qi of the clone.

After dispersing his energy clone, Wang Tian's consciousness went to the outer sky.

After years of trying to master the Authority, Wang Tian still needs a few more decades to master it completely.

However, as his proficiency increased, he could now do a lot more things.

Especially since he could now see Fate more clearly.

His proficiency in Fate was much better than the other laws even though he only studies Fate secondhandedly. It was the influence of staying near Liu Kong, since there's the law of fate near Wang Tian, it was inevitable that he would have a higher proficiency in fate.

After a thorough scan of this mortal realm, Wang Tian found something interesting when he was looking for people with a golden fate.

Almost all of the Fate in this realm was focused on Liu Kong. To be exact, most of the fate in this realm was gathered on Liu Kong.

And it looks like there won't be any other people like him.

But Wang Tian could still remember vividly that there were many other golden fate cores inside the mortal world's core.

Perhaps they were for the different mortal realms. At least in this particular realm, all the fate was gathered on Liu Kong.

After going out of the realm into the void, Wang Tian looks at the the other mortal realms.

Something suddenly came to Wang Tian's mind.