Alexi And Jeeva

Kirana and Hanan finally returned to Indonesia alone because Zayn and Arunika had a lot of work. They are both adults, so they don't want to trouble Zayn and Arunika continuously.

Meanwhile, Abri and Alice as well as Kia and Zio have arrived in Bandung.

Currently, they are heading to Ayya and Rafi's residence where Alexi and Jeeva are waiting for their parents to arrive. "Brother, I am very happy because it turns out that both of you are still alive and you are also in good condition." Ayya ​​hugged Kia tightly. The two of them were very close before.

"Yes, Ayya. We are very fortunate to still be able to meet all of you. We also did not think that we could finally meet again. I had given up if we could not meet again. Luckily Abri came to meet us." Ayya ​​hugged her brother tighter.