Huge Capital

Xia Zhiwan was the proud biological daughter. However, under the temptation of profits, she was turned into the shameless illegitimate daughter. She had to carry the name of the illegitimate daughter for the sake of Xia Zhiya and Master Xia.

Sure enough, Xia Zhiwan's mother was also greatly insulted. The previously noble lady had seemed to become a distressed middle-aged woman. She was so angry that her blood pressure rose to the point of being on the verge of death. However, she still held Xia Zhiwan's hand and said, "You need to trust mom, Zhiwan, you're the real elder daughter…"

"I trust you, mom, but it's useless even if I trust you. Everyone is saying that I'm the illegitimate daughter…" Xia Zhiwan was filled with bitterness and wished she could just leave the Xia family. What of the Xia family's daughter? She would rather not be the Xia family's daughter! She had to endure people rolling their eyes at her. Although she was innocent, she had to go through all that suffering. She had enough of it.

Madame Xia shook her head and held Xia Zhiwan's hand tightly. "Zhiwan, you must never give up. You need to prove our innocence!" Once she finished saying this, Madame Xia closed her eyes with a painful expression.

Xia Zhiwan sent her to the hospital immediately, then she waited outside the operation room anxiously.

Knowing that her mother's poor health was deteriorating due to her matters and had to stay in the hospital for long-term treatment, Xia Zhiwan was on the verge of breaking down.

However, upon seeing the expensive medical expenses, Xia Zhiwan's thought of leaving the Xia family disappeared.

Although she had lost everything, she could still stay in the Xia family no matter how useless she seemed to be. However, if she left the Xia family and gave up, she would be left with nothing!

Holding a grudge and acting on impulse were not wise choices. After Xia Zhiwan calmed down, she decided to endure this and report to the company the next day.

What was the matter even if she had to start from the bottom? She had nothing else to lose. Thus, she wanted to continue living properly. Even if it was for her mother, she still had to keep moving forward!


In the Xia Corporation's director's office, a mysterious man was sitting on a luxurious chair that previously belonged to Xia Dengfeng.

He was dressed in a suit and crossing his legs casually as his green eyes glanced at Master Xia. "If you acknowledge this Acquisition Agreement, then quickly sign it."

Previously, the Xia family's stocks fell tremendously due to Xia Zhiwan's matter, so Xia Dengfeng wanted to take advantage of Xia Zhiya's return to regain their losses. However, a strange man appeared halfway and said that he wanted to buy the Xia family's company.

From Master Xia's experience in the business, he knew that this arrogant yet calm man was not easy to deal with. Thus, he did not get agitated so quickly. "Summer is the country's number one jewelry brand. Do you think it's that easy to buy over the company?"

"It's fine if you don't sign it. However, Huatai that supplies rough stones, Jiatisi that manufactures your jewelry, and Shangyi that promotes your brand will soon come together to discuss ending their collaboration with you."

The man sipped some tea calmly as if he was just saying that the weather was good. However, every single word he said was making Xia Dengfeng distressed and agitated.

He had never failed to obtain whatever he wanted. This included Summer and her.

Thinking about the girl's tempting, sweet lips, slender yet curvy figure, and gentle scent, the man felt excited.

At this moment, Xia Dengfeng was already sweating profusely, trying hard to guess the man's identity. After all, the man had the right to speak with the various corporations that collaborated with the Xia family.

He looked at the name 'Louis Financial Group' on the agreement and suddenly knew the answer.

The Louis Financial Group had a huge capital and had been in the limelight abroad in recent years. They had invested in construction, catering, hotels, and other physical industries. Thus, they had achieved remarkable results and were particularly powerful. Even ten Xia Corporations could be acquired by them, let alone just one Xia Corporation.

However, why did he choose the Xia family? Could it be that they wanted to enter the local business community or the jewelry industry?

The man seemed to realize what the hesitant Xia Dengfeng was thinking about. He then parted his thin lips, and a mysterious expression flashed across his narrow, green eyes. "It's better if you don't ask about things that you're not supposed to know."

Xia Dengfeng took a deep breath and signed the agreement with his hand trembling.

At this moment, he was sure that this dangerous yet capable man would destroy the Xia Corporation if he could not obtain it.

"Sir, please take a look. I've already signed the agreement." Xia Dengfeng let out a smile as if he was not reluctant at all.