Tolerating The Humiliation And Bearing the Heavy Burden

Father Xia was used to commanding the market. How could he bear to be humiliated in public by his illegitimate daughter, a young and inexperienced girl? He fainted right away.

Blood was thicker than water. At the end of the day, he was still her father. Xia Zhiwan could care less about herself as she went to check on him with a worried expression.

This display of affection between a father and a daughter hurt Xia Zhiya's eyes. Her father had chased her out of the corporation but turned a blind eye and left this useless piece of trash behind.

What did that mean for her? In her father's heart, she would always be the illegitimate daughter that no one should know about. Was she worth less than a b*stard?

Rage gripped her heart. The fearless Xia Zhiya reached a leg out and kicked Xia Zhiwan at the back.

Not expecting the kick, Xia Zhiwan fell forward, knocked her head on the edge of the table, and fainted.

The father and daughter were both sent to the hospital. Issac went to the hospital when he heard the news.

In a private medical room, the silver-haired and handsome man wore a grave expression as he sat on the edge of the bed.

He picked Xia Zhiwan's hand up gently, put it by his lips, and planted small kisses on her skin. Isaac pursed his lips as he looked at the woman's head wrapped in gauze and her pale face, and his eyes turned terrifyingly bloodshot.

That violent b*tch! How dare she? How dare she hurt his darling baby?!

He wanted so badly to lock Xia Zhiya up and cut her into a million pieces.

However, he knew very well that Xia Zhiwan was just a chess piece she had used to deliberately anger him. Xia Zhiya was also used as bait to lure him to expose his identity.

Lie Feng and he were not new enemies. The hatred they had for one another had been accumulating for a long time. Their enmity was aggravated by bloodshed.

Issac clenched his fist tightly when the image of his mother lying in a pool of her own blood appeared in his mind. 

They had been rivals since they started their businesses outside of the country a long time ago.

The Ou family was expanding their businesses back then, and more and more orders were coming in from outside the country.

On the other hand, Lie Feng had a perverse way of handling things. He had no principles and would do anything to get what he wanted. Basically, he was an overbearing mad dog.

Should they see a new force arising, the Lie family would take advantage of its seniority in the field by using its accumulated capital and connections to subdue the new force, eventually monopolizing the entire market.

The reason why Issac had to take on two identities, one as the Ou family's weak young master and the other as the executive of a large financial group, was to keep at least one advantage up his sleeve. He wanted Lie Feng to think of himself as nothing that would amount to a threat but only a short-lived insignificant force. 

To not compete head-on with Lie Feng internationally, Issac had been amassing resources, making investments, and buying out all of the domestic markets that Lie Feng had not exploited so that he could snatch the shares before he did. 

While all of that was going on, Louis Financial Group had been working closely with the Ou family. They even bought Xia Corporation. This move did not escape the ever astute Lie Feng. 

After all, Xia Corporation being the local jewelry business market leader, was naturally a delightful target to keep an eye on if one wanted to start a jewelry business domestically or open up new markets. 

The Lie family came for a visit this time with the intent to target the Ou family. It was to test the waters with the newbie, Louis Financial Group, who had dabbled in the jewelry business for the first time. The Lie family planned to seize the entire domestic jewelry market by buying out Xia Corporation.

Anyhow, Lie Feng would surely try to subdue the Xia family with his usual ways even if he did not manage to buy out Xia Corporation just to avoid having to compete with them. 

His impulsive nature and wild ambitions were abundantly clear to everyone around him.

Unlike his usual dominant behavior, Issac licked Xia Zhiwan's lips gently. He did not have the heart to disturb the sleeping woman. Regret filled every corner of his eyes, and the lethal urge to kill sneaked its way in as well.

Even if they were not business competitors, Issac would still have sworn to himself that he would find a way to push the arrogant man from high ground and let him fall to his death, bones crushing into dust and all, just because he let his clownish woman bully his woman. 

Xia Zhiwan made a speedy recovery under Issac's meticulous care. Her face was back to its soft and pale state in a matter of days.

She did not know why that enigmatic man changed his phone number again. He did continue to "harass" her incessantly. Every morning, he would call and say something like: "Good morning, baby." or "Are you being a good baby?"

Not only that, but sometimes when he was in the mood, he would send her amorous recordings of him groaning and moaning, which would make her cheeks blush and her heart race. Then, he would send her pictures of his giant boner and jerk himself off while listening to her voice on the phone. All of this cheesy stuff they did made them look like a married couple.

Xia Zhiwan did notice Issac's extreme opposition toward Xia Zhiya's return. Indeed, he did not show up at the company ever since then.

How could he choose to stay silent when he had a competitive and dominant personality? Xia Zhiwan detected shrewdly that something was amiss.