Locating The Stolen Pink Diamond On Her Own

A prominent silver-haired man appeared in front of the store unexpectedly. His presence made the surroundings glimmer.

"Miss Thief, you better watch your mouth. Or else, someone in prison would clean it for you!"

A cold and uncaring pair of eyes swept across Li Yiyun. He tightened his arms around the woman in his arm dearly. 

What did she say about wanting to grow up and face the world on her own? Was this what she had to go through without him? Getting humiliated and bullied?

Xia Zhiwan pursed her lips and explained in a small voice, "I was going to avoid her slap… Why are the police here? Did you find them?"

Issac's lips tugged into a smile. A righteous expression graced his face. "This is what she deserves for framing you. Don't think you can get away with it by paying them off!"

Li Yiyun was escorted away by the police, still indignant about her arrest. They also took Xia Zhiwan to the station to get her statement. 

After everything had been settled, the police awkwardly asked for Xia Zhiwan's help.

"Miss Xia, the stolen necklace is now in the black market. It may have been remodeled, or the diamonds may have been removed. These possibilities have increased the difficulty in our search. This gentleman here told us you have an astute pair of eyes that can help us solve this case. Please cooperate with us."

Xia Zhiya turned to look at Issac in shock, who was pretending he had no idea what was going on. She did not know what he was trying to do.

Did he realize something when he entered her office that time? Was he trying to test her? Or did he say that merely because he trusted her abilities?

No matter what his intention was, she agreed without any hesitation. 

"I'll definitely help you solve this case! It's because it'll prove my innocence too!"

Issac's lips tugged into a small but satisfied grin. He also gave her a video so that she could have somewhere to start with her investigation. 

The video showed Li Yiyun showing up at the most luxurious hotel in the whole city, Philippe Hotel, and meeting with Xia Zhiya. 

Xia Zhiwan had a moment of clarity. Li Yiyun was only one of the many chess pieces from the game Xia Zhiya was playing. 

Li Yiyun entered the room with her purse clutched under her armpit. Her expression was solemn. She looked much more relaxed as she was walking out and held her bag in her hand, dangling by her feet.

Xia Zhiwan made an educated guess that this was when Li Yiyun had handed Xia Zhiya the necklace.

Everything Li Yiyun had done had been done under Xia Zhiya's orders. They were done just to hurt Xia Zhiwan. 

Xia Zhiya's gaze was chilling. There was not an ounce of sympathy in her heart.

"I don't hurt anyone who doesn't try to hurt me." 

She had been oppressed time and again as if she was some kind of soft persimmon. Xia Zhiya did not let her live in peace even after she went to work at a store. 

She finally recognized that "tolerance" and "laying low" had no use against a ruthless woman like her!


In a trade center for the black market, an elegant figure moved leisurely. 

Xia Zhiwan wore a mask that was painted with platinum. She looked mysterious and enchanting but also beautiful and elegant. 

They received intel that this was where sightings of the pink diamond were reported. Although they could not confirm that the diamond was the one on "Blossoming Years," Xia Zhiwan still came without any hesitation.

After all, she would be able to clearly identify the jewelry she saw.

All kinds of people could be found in this black market. Xia Zhiwan wore the mask because she did not want to cause any unnecessary trouble. She wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible.

What she did not know was that she had already been the target of a pair of black eyes, bright with interest. 

Lie Feng stood on the balcony and shook his wine glass. He exclaimed lightly, "This woman has a great physique. Even though I can only see half of her face, I can tell she's a rarity."

An elegant man, who stood beside him and wore a white tux, chuckled lightly. "Feng, this isn't a place for you to look for women. Put away some of your charisma. We're here to find the Azure Heart."

Lie Feng was a little frustrated. Azure Heart was a rare azure diamond that was worth nearly a billion. It used to be one of the Lie family's most popular jewelry. They had even held numerous exhibitions for it.

However, Azure Heart had been stolen four years ago. It had vanished without a trace. A long-term search still yielded no news.

They were only here to push their luck today. Lie Feng was obviously not expecting too much.

"Qin, let's go."

Azure Heart was highly popular, so it would be difficult to just sell it as it was. The thief must have cut it into pieces or transformed it into something that resembled nothing like its original form to profit. 

Just when Lie Feng was about to leave with the guy called Qin, a commotion was heard on the first floor. 

It all happened because Xia Zhiwan saw her target for tonight among the displayed products at the black market.