Chapter 19: Team Sloth: Brainstorm

"Guess The Scripturient League did it for me." Sasori said, reading the notification from her hologram tablet.

"Wait, this is what you mean?"

Sasori nodded, "We'll be competing with other writers"

The sudden unison of pings is heard, I looked around and saw writers, looking at their phones, hologram tablets. I looked back at my phone.

What's this another notification?

[ Scripturient: Team Sloth.


This will be your first task as a team:

Please prepare plot. You are given 1 hour to think for a plot. Next, you'll be preparing for the chapters. Word requirement is 1500 words.

Brainstorming of the plot: 45 minutes

Word requirement: 1500 words.

Finishing a plot: 1 hour

Genre: Any kind except explicit genres. Whoever writes an entry that has an explicit content such as adult content is not allowed.

Type of entry: One-Shot story

Good luck, writers!

From The Scripturient's League Editors ]

Other writers started to move out from their tables and discuss with with their teammates, brainstorming.

Everyone went silent as the notification closes, "Sooooooo, did you guys watch the Substitute-Zero vs Venomous Scorpion fight on MeTube ?" Kim Daichi breaks the silence, "Is that a ripoff of YouTu-"

Jin Tofu slams the table and starts panicking, "We have 45 minutes to brainstorm a story?!"

"Oh God, Oh help us Oh Lord. Oh also, did you guys know that Venomous Scorpion won the figh-" Kim Daichi was cut off by Sasori.

"Kim, shut the fuck up. We have 45 minutes to think about a story" Sasori shouted in front of Kim Daichi's face.

"Ew, get off me you have bad breath" Kim Daichi said to Sasori in the face, Sasori stares Kim Daichi creepily as if she was about to ruin his whole career.

"Guys, I have 2 stories but there is a cost to get them." Quan Chi said to everyone.

"Co-Costuu !?" Kim Daichi said to Quan Chi.

"Indeed, and the cost is.." Quan Chi replied. "Marrying Sasori-Channnn"

Quan Chi kneels in front of Sasori while holding nothing. Sasori's eyes widened, her one eyebrow raised.

"Q-Quan Chi, you have... good acting talent!" Kim Daichi said to Quan Chi. Me and Jin Tofu started clapping and cheering with no enthusiasm to Quan Chi. Sarcasm on our claps. I thought Quan Chi is a serious type of a guy.

"But seriously, guys. I have a story theme idea" I said to everyone.

"Wait" Sasori said and scrolled on her hologram screen. "You stand up, Quan Chi. Stop acting like a simp. It's ruins your cool facade"

Quan Chi's eyes widened and smiled like an idiot, "hǎo"

Sasori's brows furrowed as she scrolled, "There's an option that says here that we will competing with other writers or just writing it level up. Note: competing with other writers could give you a big chance to level up and to lose. If the team that you've competed with wins, your team's life span and points will be deducted."

"Yikes, you guys like to compete?" Kim Daiki asked.

"I'll depend on your choices, guys" Quan chi and put his hand on his chin, thinking.

"Soo..." Jin Tofu sits on the table and grabbed a piece of nachos, munching it. "What do you guys like?"

He grabbed another piece of nachos and munch it, "I'm okay with competing with other writer teams though"

"Competing with them will be a great win or lose" Quan chi said. "But if you are all confident with yourself about winning, then we should compete"

"Base on my own calculations, there is a lot of disadvantages if we are only writing to level-up than to compete. So to speak, we should compete with other writers. We have to take risk"

"But there is also risk if we lose" Sasori said looking at Quan Chi. Quan Chi averted his gaze, "Yeah"

"But this is a team right?" I asked.

My teammates looked at me, "I dont know what are your writing style, skills but.. I think"

I paused, smiling. "No, I believe we can do it if we only help each other out. "

They went silent for a second.

"You are righhht" Kim Daiki said and hugged me. "Glad we have you, Great_XiaoCheng"

"Indeed" Quan Chi commented.

"So, what do you guys have in mind about the plot?" Sasori asked. "what kind of story we should write?"

"I have something in mind" I replied.

"Tell us about it" Jin Tofu said.

"The theme of the story by the way is cyberpunk." I replied to Jin Tofu

"Cyberpunk? No, the story would be gli-" Kim Daichi started panicking and Sasori cuts him off.

"Cyber-Punk ?What's that ?" Sasori and Quan Chi asked in unison.

"Only people who listen and watch Synthwave stuff know." Kim Daichi replied to Sasori and Quan Chi.

"Cyberpunk ?Alright, I like Cyberpunk-themed stories and stuff. Now all we gotta do is think about the plot with the given theme that Great_XiaoCheng thought of" Jin Tofu said.

Sasori and Quan Chi pulls out there phone to research the theme I gave them.

Sasori slowly scrolled down through pictures of Cyber-punked theme cities.

"Interesting." Sasori said.

"I want to give a bit of idea on a plot"

"Please do tell" I said.

"well, how about a Cyber-punked Ninja seeking revenge through the city because someone killed his family ?" Kim Daichi said to everyone.

"Not bad kim but that is common..i think.." Jin Tofu replied to Kim Daichi

"The city is overrunned by Robots and everyone is on the edge of extinction" Quan Chi said.

"That's good, but we need more cool ideas than that." Jin Tofu replied to Quan Chi.

"A assassin seeking revenge for the criminal who destroyed his body and turned him into a machine" Kim Daichi said.

"okay okay, half of the thing you said is basically like a cop who turned into a robot but good job for trying." Jin Tofu said.

"What if we combine all of those ideas of what you guys said ? A cyberpunk ninja assassin seeking revenge for the man who made him a machine while fighting off Robots that are slowly making human's extinct" I suggested.

"Impressive" Sasori said with a smile.

"That..." Jin Tofu said, smiling and pointed of piece of nacho on me. "is lit" and eat the nacho.

"Whoaa, that's soo cool !!" Kim Daichi said in excitement.

"sounds like a game but sure we'll go with that" Quan Chi said.

"What's the name of the main character though ?" Sasori said said.

"I have plenty of cool names !" Kim Daichi replied.

"Let us hear it Kim" I said.

"Okay okay okay, how about Zero, Chronos , Seeker , Reptile , Ghost, Phantom, you guys can vote on what we should name the character" Kim Daichi

"I'm gonna go with Phantom" Shane said

"Chronos." Quan Chi said.

"Phantom, underrated name i think." Jin Tofu.

"Phantom" Sasori said.

"Aaaand we have 3-1 votes, I guess we are gonna go with Phantom !" Kim Daichi said,.

"we should start writing now we just wasted 16 minutes on useless things and 2 minutes on useful stuff" Sasori said.

"I'll write it" I said.

"alright sure why the fuck not" Sasori replied to me, I looked at her and saw a bit of smile formed on her lips.