Chapter 28: Scripturient's Writers Ceremony (part 2)

"What could be your tips to the writers?" Karyle asked with a smile.

"I'll go first" Fierylexander said, "My tip is just let your imagination run. It's best to let your imagination run. Write as if your life depends on it"

"How about you, Shan Xiaolee?"

Shan Xiaolee paused for a minute and smile, "Write your expression. Your feelings. You as a writer to your novels. The best way to write is by expressing yourself and being different from others. That's all"

"Can you share your experience as a writer, writing your novels and how did you write your concepts?"

"I write the way I feel, making the other me through my characters. All of my characters have a bit of my personality and write the ideal world. Ideal of everything to me" Shan Xiaolee said, "It's more unique that way and easier to relate to your characters when writing them. It's like you're a God, a superior of the world you created. It just feels amazing when you are writing a character based on your personality. As an author to some of my novels, I'm proud to tell my readers, I'm proud to share my feelings out to the worlds. I don't mind how some readers would find some of my novels boring. I'm writing it for myself"

"I can understand Xiaolee's point of view but mine is more on other characters and mixing it up. Taking inspirations from other writers' characters. Sometimes, I make my characters as an ideal me but I know some of my friends that are writers only write characters that could fit on the world-building" Fierylexander said. "As I write my concepts, I think of something that sells to people. I do put a bit of personal stuff in my novels and make them subtle through characters."

"What is a comforting message you can give to the other writers that are struggling right now?"

"To writers out there, I struggled. A lot though. There are days that creativity and sometimes writing aren't enough of as a way to express yourself. Take the time to take care of yourself. I am lucky that I have readers, fans, and supporters that truly want my health to be prioritized. I remember as a writer here in Scripturient's League was hard. I only write if my mind or what I've been feeling is manageable" and Shan Xiaolee smiled. "Just prioritize your health, physical, mental, emotional--prioritize it. We can't deliver or write if we are in our personal wars. I've been battling with my mental illness as I write some of my novels here in Scripturient's League but I'm grateful to Scripturient's Editors for being patient and to my readers with their support. Just remember, your goals without putting your self at risk to the point that you are not prioritizing your health. I remember a friend here in Scripturient's League that doesn't eat until she finished writing a concept or a chapter. Writing is not a race and to me, it's not a competition either. Just write on your pace, don't push yourself too hard."

"As for me, my advice for all amazing and aspiring writers out there that are struggling is to take care. As Shan Xiaolee said, you can't write or creatively write amazing ones if you aren't well. You can still run your imagination but your stories and characters won't come and be read by people if it is not by your amazing concepts. You are struggling yet you still write amazing novels which are admired by most of us writers. If you are struggling such as writer's block, just chill yourself out. Do the things you like to do, there are days that we write as if our life depends on it but there are days that no words or ideas came out and that's okay"

"I agree on Fierylexander. There are days you like to write and there are days that are not. Before I won the competition and be part of the Scripturient's League high-rank writers, I went through a lot of mental breakdowns. I want to express myself through writing but words couldn't come out but we as writers shouldn't be so hard for ourselves. Relax. I even had a reader that turns herself as a hater since I wasn't updating my chapters regularly for I was dealing with my mental illness"

"And I hope that all readers listening on today's broadcast, you will understand the author's struggle. Please be patient and just support, that's what we all need as authors. We, authors and aspiring writers, will do our best to bring novels that could comfort you, could make you feel better, could make you feel strong and the like. Thank you" Shan Xiaolee said with a smile.

I glanced on my side as I heard a subtle sob, it was Kim. He wiped his tears and looked at the two writers with a smile of pride in his face.

"That's so nice of you both and I'm sure readers already thought of their favorite authors now and now, make I ask do you deal with your haters?" Karyle asked.

"Can Fiery go on this first?" Shan Xiaolee asked with a chuckle. Fiery laughed and shook his head, "Haters? About my story? My writing style?"

"Could be applied generally as a writer"

"I have only three words that I can say and act. I don't care" and the crowd laughs, "I don't care about my haters. I'm my own God of my stories. I'm my own God of my characters and about my writing style. There are just being ungrateful. Writing is hard, it's not easy to write smooth narration lines or give your character a cool line"

Fiery paused, "Because of my haters, I have lots of love which is pretty good. As long as I got love from a reader, then I won't stop, they are the reason why I still should write. They find it cool and if I have a hater, it just they don't have great taste in reading a novel" and Fierylexander laugh. "I'm just kidding, readers have their own taste but if I have a hater, I wouldn't mind as long as I'm just writing for my readers."

Karyle chuckled, "How about you, Shan Xiaolee? How do you deal with your haters?"

"Improve by their judgments. I got hate for the way I write but I improve myself to let them see that I'm a writer that writes great stories, despite the writing style. Ignoring them for hate like general hate. For instance, a comment is posted, "I hate your stories. They are boring and not popular. Your writing sucks" or a review that is posted, "Not worth reading, just quit writing because you are just trying so hard and you don't have the talent". Shan Xiaolee narrated as she tries to hold back the tears.

"I have read some comments about a hater once that the reason they dropped my novel is because of the irregular updates and how boring the storyline is. Way back, I was asking and doubting myself if I was worthy to be a writer but I'd like to thank some of my readers whose words lift me. They are also some hate that already invades me as a writer like "Oh, Shan Xiaolee is not a good writer. She always writes stories that are a 0/500 rating and all of her stories don't have meaning or are just boring to read. Haters want me to be out of the community" she added.

"I guess writers have a lot of things to deal with aside from writing a story" Karyle commented. The two writers nodded.

What Shan Xiaolee said relates to me, I don't get why some would hate or generally put negative comments that could affect one's mental state. Some writers find negative comments as a motivation but not all writers are like that, writers have their form of motivation from the readers such as a positive comment.

Words are powerful, they may destroy a person or build the person.

"Yeah and some just want to make your day so bad by commenting stuff or giving you a 1-star review because they want to and worst is they gave 1-star review without any explanation why the story is like this or that. Every writer deserves a chance to be improved. Every writer improves and grows with support and love"

"I'm sorry about that, Shan Xiaolee but we hope that haters should put their selves on the writer's shoes. " Karyle commented and looked at the screen, "Anyway, let's read a comment from a reader."

A pop-up message is seen on the stadium's big screen with the question as Karyle read.

[ Qizi: How did you write your current concept on Level UP: Beauty? What's the concept behind it? It's the coolest female lead genre I read on Scripturient's League. I love Yi Huan. I'm going to buy a copy once its out. By the way, I'm your fan. Please, write more. From Guangzhou, China. ]

"Every writer does smile when they read a message that someone is a fan of their works" Karyle commented. Shan Xiaolee only smiled and bit flustered.

"Yep" Shan Xiaolee replied and nodded, she looked at the stadium's crowd and smile. "Hi, Qizi. Thank you for reading my work and the concept behind that is about a girl that has 0 confidence in herself. Her confidence went to 0 after being rejected by her crushes and she decided to improve by the given system on the game she played where she was trapped in. The concept behind that is about me when I was a first-year high school student and was rejected by my crush"

"Oh" The crowd said in unison.

"So, you're writing yourself but it's like a level up mode?"

Shan Xiaolee nodded.

As Shan Xiaolee and Karyle talk along with Fierylexander, I think that writers are just amazing.