Chapter 32: Team Sloth vs Team Raccoon

The sound of the cheers grew louder as we walk through the hallway of Scripturient's League. I looked around, there was no medium nor high team writer rank. I turned around and gaze on the opposite side of where we are standing.

"Team Raccoon" and the crowd cheers.

My eyes caught the attention on the screen. The logo of the animal icon of sloth versus raccoon with the Scripturient's Logo on the top center.

"Now, readers of the Scripturient's league. We'd like to thank you for supporting underrated writers. We heard that some of your favorite authors are part of the team. Before we start to give the scores and points of the writers, we would like to introduce to our Scripturient writer team Sloth and Team raccoon that is in a group competition where all of the winning points are added to each of the team writing members. If the other party losses, their current stats is deducted. The losing team will compete with the other losing team. For the final winning, it goes on votes.

To put it simply:

Team A wins 50 points and will be added to their stats, Team B loses and deducted 50 points from their stats.

As I heard that from the Scripturient's Editors, I feel like I'm already lost. What if we will lose because of me? Like what I read of the Scripturient's League's notification, all of the members of the team will be affected.

My brows furrowed and feel the anxiety crept in, I hate this. I feel a hand pat me on the shoulder, it was Sasori. Sasori looked intently at the other team and looked at me, she beamed me a confident smile.

I have her a slight smile and looked at the opposite side. From what I saw the raccoon team is confident. They seemed to have confident writers.

Suddenly, the two screens projected with our entry and the other team's entry.

Sasori suddenly looked at her phone, noticing a notification.

"Guys, I got a notification from the Scripturient's League. The entry must be 15k words but they only show short yet interesting one-shot entry of ours without changing the plot."

"What?!" Kim exclaimed, "B-but.."

"They put it here that the part where we are all brainstorming, writing the one-shot story with 15k words were just a test of how we can write an interesting one" Sasori continued.

"But was it the same as the Team Racoon? It would be unfair if it's only ours they are cutting the word count short in a matter of seconds." Quan Chi asked.

Sasori nodded, "Yeah. As you can see on the screen, their word count is cut short too" and we looked up on the screen.

"But how amazing or godly that they can edit it for a matter of seconds," Kim said, eyes on the screen.

"Logically speaking, it would probably be the system doing it. How could a human edit it in a matter of seconds without reading the whole entry? Logic, Kim. Logic" Quan Chi said, pointing his head.

A test of how we can write a one-shot entry? But reading our one-shot story on the screen left me interested in what was about to happen. I have now thought that one-shot story can't be that long, Scripturient's League does like challenges but I wouldn't mind since I gain something on it. Like what the writers said, Scripturient's League will help to hone you.

Team Sloth


"He is the only key for civilization"

Neon-colored signs, tall and flashy billboards illuminated in the city. Flying cars and bikes, you can picture it in a futuristic era. In a world that embraces technology as the means of ease and comfort, human beings were about to be extinct.

Living in this world is nothing but all robots and technologies. As a child, I never seen the green grass nor the blossom of the flowers in the morning. I thought that all of that stuff was nothing but fiction but the thought of it would probably be a great world to live with human beings' comfort and the gentle of animals, living things. Reading that book is always forbidden, the warning of being told not to share nor talk about it desired me to see it in flesh. Speaking about living creatures is always taboo.

Now, human beings were deducted in 5% of the population as the world is invaded and lived by robots. A machine that is always commanded by their superior.

"Hello, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, sir" a dark silhouetted figure replied, overviewing the neon cityscape.

"Have you seen Robotica number 3?" the figure activated his map, following the trace of Robotica Number 3 that symbolizes a red dot on the diagram.

"She is on the main district"

"I better get going, fill me in the details later. I put all my trust you in this, Phantom" and the man's voice ended on the other line. The dark figure jumped on the pure smooth lines in neon green that flowed past him, following the trace of Robotica Number through jumping on the rusty walls of the buildings.

A humanoid woman looked sideways before entering a neon hot pink place. The place was blasted with music, the dark figure jumped off the wall and hide, revealing his face and wear his suit.

The man entered the place, looking around in such a crowded place. His eyes caught the attention of the humanoid woman, Robotica Number 3. The man followed her, not letting anyone notice him.

"This is Robotica Number 3, she is the last human we experimented for. Her intelligence is beyond a human's intellect. "

The man heard the conversation and busted through the door, pulling out his gun without any warning and continuously pulling his trigger inside the room. The man runs towards Robotica Number 3 and grabs her by the waist as soon as all the enemies inside the room, ducked.

"It's him,again! Get him!" a man around his 40's said as he saw Robotica Number 3 being taken away.

"Thank you" Robotica Number 3 muttered. The man didn't reply as they fly between skyscrapers. The Neo Era skyline was just purple and blue in a blur.

No one knows his real identity but he was called the ninja in the neon era, calling himself as "CyberZero"

This is where all began.

Team Racoon


A 15-year old boy is in deep thought, leaning his back against the tree in the green valley overviewed the scenery, the roaring sea waves that crush against big rocks. His eyes were blank as he looked at the horizon


Someone called out. The boy turned his head around and looked at someone who's calling, his eyes glistened with hope as a boy around his age runs towards him.

"Maybe this is real" a thought came to his mind.

"Hey, Igor. what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Igor pants before he speaks, pointing where he had headed.

"Y-Your Mother.." Igor paused and looked at Akibrus, "She collapsed, she was taken to the nearby clinic"

Akibrus alarmed, immediately went to the nearby clinic. As he arrived at the nearby clinic, he saw his mother resting on the bed.

"Mother.." Akibrus called out. Her Mother slowly opened her eyes and looked at Akibrus that walk towards her and sit on the side of the bed.

"I told you that you should not work that much"

"But son.." Her mother trying to sit up.

"Mother, rest for a while" Akibrus said and lay his mother back down. Her mother with a sad expression on her face, looked at Akibrus.

"Son.." Her mother touched his hand, "I have something to tell you"

Akibrus looked at his mother, his eyes widened when he found a skeleton in his bed. He looked on his hand, her mother's hand turned into a skeleton. He turned his gaze around the room, eyes widened in fear. He immediately reach for the door and went out.

No words came out as he found himself in a deserted, bones were all over the place. Some bones were already covered with dirt as if time had already passed. Out of hope, Akibrus standing, slowly on his knees on the ground. Tears slowly flowed out in his eyes, he screamed and put his hand in his head, convincing himself that he is not crazy.

"Congratulations, Akibrus"

Akibrus slowly looked up, a man with a cloak smiled.

"You've done it, Grim Reaper" ]

"Scripturient's readers, you may now read each writing team entry. Feedback and votes starts.. now"