Chapter 6.0: Part 1: The Mystery Man?

๐Ÿ˜˜ "People say that dreams can come true, they never mentioned that nightmares were dreams too."

- Anonymous ๐Ÿ˜˜

โš ๏ธWarning Abuse, Self Harming, Mental Illness/Disorders, and very Detailed and Disturbing contents and scenes. PLEASE CONTINUE WITH CAUTION!!โš ๏ธ


๐Ÿ˜" Few Weeks Later"๐Ÿ˜

๐Ÿ™ƒ" Unknown Place "๐Ÿ™ƒ

๐Ÿ˜ถ" Unknown POV "๐Ÿ˜ถ

"She's much stronger than she was before.", the man in front of me says as I look up at him with a smirk.

"Good. Maybe she'll be able to take you 2 down this time. I bet she's smarter this time too.", I say to him and the man in front of me hits me across the face hard.

"Hey hey now, is that anyway to treat a woman? Especially if she's tired to a chair?", I ask sarcastically with a smile. I get hit again a cough out blood this time.

"Shut up. You!", he says pointing at Lucifer.

"You pathetic weakling. I should kill you right on spot.", he says looking angrily at him.

"But I'm gonna need when the time comes.", he says and turns to look at me.

"Now back to our conversation before we were rudely interrupted.", he says smiling and I spit in his face.

"I will never tell you it is!", I exclaim and he grids his teeth.

"You will tell me where your realm is! And you will allow me in your realm!", he says back handing me across the face and then nothing but darkness.


๐Ÿ˜ญ" Few Weeks Later "๐Ÿ˜ญ

๐Ÿ‘" Max's POV "๐Ÿ‘

๐Ÿ˜‘" In Max's and Scarlet's Dorm Room"๐Ÿ˜‘

"Okay so, we all know I had some kinda vision thing a few weeks ago at breakfast right?", I say standing up pacing back and forth getting a confused look from Haylee.

"You do realize it's just us-", she says I rush over to her put my index finger against her lips and shush her. She gives me wide eyes.

"Shhhh. Let me think what I want to think.", I say in a not so quiet whisper.

"Now as I was saying. We all know that I had some sorta vision a few weeks ago at breakfast. Well, this isn't my first vision. I've had other visions but this one was different.", I say standing by the door looking at them with my hands bend my back.

"The vision I had a few weeks ago must have been triggered on purpose. This vision showed me something I'd never wanna see happen to anyone in this school even if they are assholes and don't know how to keep their opinions to themselves.", I say mumbling the last part under my breath.

"We already know about the reincarnation thingy but I'm still confused on this one thing.", I say to myself as I sit down on the ground in front of the door with my eyes closed.

"Why would he come here of all places, he could've gotten me alone and just killed Mr but he didn't.", I say to myself out loud

"Okay, can I ask a question?", Scarlet asks and I look up at her.

"You just did but go ahead.", I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Who's he?", she asks and I look at Tyler.

"Do you wanna tell them or do you want me to?", Tyler asks and I shrug.

"He attacked you so you can go ahead.", I tell him and he nods.

"Lucifer.", he says simply

"What?", Haylee says and I face palm myself.

"Lucifer, ya know my sorta kinda uncle. That's who he is.", I say to her and she nods

"The reason why Tyler didn't make it to lunch a few weeks was cause Lucifer used Tyler as bait to lower me in.", I tell them and nod.

"Anyways, my vision it basically showed many of the students on this campus either dead or hanging onto life by a thread. Blood was everywhere and I saw myself fighting against Lucifer and who I'm assuming is God. I couldn't watch anymore I tried to get outta the vision but I couldn't. I ended up turning around seeing you guys fighting what I was assuming were angels and you guys tried but you guys just died and that was it.", I say taking a deep breath looking up at them.

"That's the reason why I needed to get everyone together to train and not in separate classes. We need to work together to prevent what might happen.", I say to them and get up off the ground.

"Anyways, I should probably tell you guys what got me in here. Maybe y'all can tell me what got y'all in here too?", I ask and they hesitantly nod.

"One of you go first.", I say getting on my bed and curling up into a ball in the corner.

"Um, I guess I can go first.", Scarlet says nervously.

I've never heard Scarlet be nervous. Hesitant yes but nervous no.

"I-I ended up beating someone almost half to death and blinding another.", she says simply looking down.

Haylee hugs her and Scarlet sighs.

"It was for personal reasons that I'd prefer not to say right now.", Scarlet says and I nod in understandment.

"I'll go next.", Haylee says and I nod.

"Well, I had just figured out what I was just before I was sent here. I ended up almost draining people of blood and mauling some to death, I'm glad that it didn't get any worse than that though.", Haylee says fidgeting with her fingers.

"I'll looks like I'm next.", Tyler says and I look up at him. He's sitting next to me on my bed. He looks like he wouldn't be able to harm a single soul but, ya know what they say, looks can be deceiving.

"Well, I guess I kinda went on a rampage after I was being bullied and they went a few steps to far. I blacked out but apparently according to the students who were witnessing it, I Shape Shifted into something, and ended up stabbing the dudes eyes out.", he says I could tell his voice was cracking and he had tears that threatened to spill from his eyes.

I hugged him in reassurance.

"Hey, it's okay. It wasn't you who did it. I'm guessing it was the werecat side of you.", I tell him and he nods.

"Well I guess it my turn now.", I say with a nervous laugh.

"Well, I started getting bullied by some jock dude at like around first grade, and yeah I know that probably has nothing to do with what happened but still. Well anyways, the first day of this school year at the other school, I had just walked into the school and was walking toward my locker. I went to find my classes first and then went to my locker. I know kinda backwards but, that's just how I am I guess.", I say looking down into my lap fidgeting with my fingers.

"Well, after I found my classes I went to my locker and put in my combo for my locker and was putting away the things that I didn't need at the moment. I went and closed my locker and was fixing to head to my first class when suddenly I was pushed face first into the lockers hence the bruise and kinda swollen nose.", I say and they nod.

"Anyways, it was the same old jock dude bully that I can never remember his name, he started bullying me, not physically just ya know saying mean things and calling names. But he took it a step to far and that's when I just combursted. I apparently ended up causing alot of damage. I'd prefer not to talk about the damage though.", I say still looking down at my lap and fidgeting my fingers.

"But anyways, we should probably get back to the subject before us. We need to get everyone together and start training all together the best we can and for as long as we can. We need to get to it asap.", I say and they nod.

"Okay, we'll start that up tomorrow.", they said and I nod.

"I'm gonna go talk to the Head-mistress real quick. I'll be back.", I say and then walk outta the dorm.

Oh shit, I forgot I don't know where the Head-mistress office is. Oh well, I'll go to the nurses office and ask her.

๐Ÿ˜" At The Nurses Office "๐Ÿ˜

I get to the nurses office and right before I knock on the door, it swings wide open.

"Oh, um hi.", I say to the nurse and she smiles.

"Hey Max! How have you been?!", she exclaims happily ushering me inside.

"I'm good just a few problem. One being, I forgot if you told me your name or not.", I say to her and she smiles.

"I don't think I did. My name is Mrs.Peterson, it's nice to properly meet you.", she says holding her hand out. I shake it and nod.

"The other thing, can you take me to the Head-mistress office. I have some matters that need to be discussed.", I tell the nurse and she nods.

"Of course! Follow me.", she says and I nod.

๐Ÿ˜…" 20 Minutes Before Hand "๐Ÿ˜…

๐Ÿ™€" Head-mistress POV "๐Ÿ™€

I'm sitting here doing ya know the whole Head-mistress thing. The paper works and everything else they do, when suddenly the door bursts open and an unfamiliar face walks in.

"Um, may I help you?", I ask the person and he just smiles.

"The new kid. Max, am I right?", he asks and I go wide eyed but immediately make myself have a calm expression.

"Who's asking?", I ask and he looks around the room and then behind him.

"Well, I don't see anyone else in this room besides me or you so, I'm asking.", he states and I roll my eyes.

As if I didn't already know that. I think to myself and stand up from my desk.

"Yes, our new kid is Max. May I ask why you are asking about her?", I ask and he gives me an evil smirk.

"She's not who you think she is.", he says and I look at him curiously.

"What do you mean by that?", I ask and he keeps the smirk on his face.

"Well, here's the thing.", he says walking closer to me.

"She's 10, no 20 times more powerful than any of the Supernatural Beings here.", he says and smiles a knowing smile.

"So, what are you saying?", I ask and he shrugs.

"All I'm saying is, why don't you hand the girl over to me and I'll give her the proper training she needs.", he says and I get angered.

"Why?! She's made friends here! Yeah, she may cause a bit of trouble but don't all teens around her age?!", I exclaim and his face contorts to anger. He stalks closer to me as I back up.

I was about to scream but he grabbed me by the throat before I could and slammed me into a wall.

I couldn't sing any of my songs to fight against him and he is way to strong for me to go into hand on hand combat with.

The door swings open and I see Max and the nurse standing there. Max looks angered and then when the man turns to look at her she gets even angrier.

โœŒ" BackTo Max's POV "โœŒ

I see the man holding the Head-mistress by her throat and I get angry. He slowly turns his head and looks at me with a smirk.

When I finally see his face, it looks familiar. Then I remember my visions then I get even angrier.

"You son of a bitch!", I exclaim using some force to throw him across the room.

I look down where he was standing and see the Head-mistress holding her throat gasping for air.

"Mrs.Peterson, can you get the Head-mistress outta here and anyone else in this building out?", I ask and she nods helping the Head-mistress up and walking out with her.

"Now, you.", I say looking at the guy.

"You're the guy in my visions with that young lady and the baby aren't you?!", I ask in anger as I pick him up by his throat, my grip tight but not to tight. He smiles.

"So, you do have her memories?", he asks and I give him a confused look.

He kicks me and then coughs as I fall to the ground.

"Pity, you don't have the same training as she did at your age. Then again she knew what she was.", he says kicking me in my stomach repeatedly as I try to get up and move away from him.

He kicks me hard in my side and I cough.

"Nolite aut te necabo!", I hear what sounds like Scarlet and I look over to see her. (Translation: Stop or I'll kill you!) (This according to a translation app I installed so I'm not completely 100% sure)

"Scarlet?", I cough out in a questioning tone.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing here?!", I exclaim and cough up a little blood.

I notice that her eyes are a bright purple instead of their normal dark green color.

I see that the dude uses some kinda light that pushes Scarlet back and over the railing and I scream.

I look over at the man with more anger than I've ever felt then memories come flooding back. But the thing is, they're not my memories. I-I think they're the woman's memories that I've reincarnated as.

The memories of how she trained, the memories of how much control she had, and felt as if I knew how to control myself and my two Supernatural sides. But the one memory that stuck out the most was, the memory of how she died.

The mystery man, the one in front of me. He was there. Lucifer and God both knew that they couldn't win against her as she was still full of power, that's when the mystery man came in.

He blinded her with an extremely bright light which gave God and Lucifer the upper hand. That's how they killed her.

I feel that I'm thrown into a wall and it breaks. I feel power course through my veins and I knew that at this moment, this moment I needed to be as strong as I could to defeat this man.