The Girlfriend

The girlfriend of The Snow Blind or The Waterfalls is unaware that someone is trying to find her. Her name is Amelia. And she is just getting up from a nap, as she likes to stay up all night with her boyfriend.

Everything about her is long. Long legs, long fingers, long fingernails, but she has short hair. She is surprised to see a little squirrel sitting outside of her window. But that squirrel seems to be staring at her.

She is one of those girls who never draw the blinds when she changes her clothes. So she takes off her clothes, leaving only her underwear on. She seems to try to show the little animal outside the window that she has a beautiful body.

The squirrel then runs away. Far far away.

*** *** ***

Jack is unaware that someone knows that he is looking for Amelia.

After Jack dots all the locations of the Snow Blind attacks, he is ready to go home. Bob has already left before him. Bob seems to have a lot of things on his mind.

Jack takes the subway back to his neighborhood and then walks. He doesn't drive his famously and infamously known gray old car anymore. Keith told him it's too obvious.

As much as Jack is trying to stay low-key, he thinks something is wrong. Someone is tailing him right now.

Jack has been a special detective, he has developed a gaze detection -- it's not a special ability. Most wild animals have that naturally. It's when he can sense someone is gazing at him, staring at him like he is a prey. He thinks someone is definitely watching him very closely when he unlocks the door.

He purposely does everything slowly, trying to see if anyone is going to suddenly come up from behind. No. Nothing.

So he gets in, locks the door. He is now trying to decide what he wants to eat.

He makes instant noodles and spam meat. Kind of junky food, but it's fast and he doesn't have patience to cook.

Jack has things he needs to do. But he feels so distracted because he keeps thinking someone is watching him. He is not sure if he is even alone right now. He doesn't like surprises.

He slurps his instant noodles. He makes sure he slurps a little less loud, unlike he usually does, because he wants to pay attention to any noise. He also usually watches TV when he eats, but he doesn't turn the TV on tonight.

Not too long after he finishes his dinner, he decides maybe he'll have a soda. Soda keeps him awake. And immediately after he opens a can, he hears a few light knocks. He feels a little nervous. But not a terrifying nervous. It's almost like, Ha! Whoever you are. You are finally here. I've been waiting.

He walks over to the door. He uses the peep hole and he sees a tall woman with short hair.

"Yes?" He doesn't open the door. He asks first. He wants to know who this is.

"It's me. You are looking for me, aren't you?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm The Waterfalls or Snow Blind's girlfriend?"

"You are?"

"Yes. My name is Amelia."

"How do you know where I live?"

"My boyfriend told me. He said you were looking for me. And said I might as well come see you. See what you want. We can talk."

Jack finds this suspicious.

He really wants to ask her to just call him on the phone.

"Hey, why don't you give me your phone number. Let's talk on the phone?"

Jack wonders why she doesn't just call him if she wants to talk to him? If that's all she wants.

"Come on, Jack. You're being a little rude. I come all the way here."

Unless…, this girl wants to see him... in person. So he decides to open the door a little bit.

He opens the door. She immediately pushes it open and puts her hands on his body. His heart beats pick up, and he feels his composure and sensibility leaving him.

Her hands slowly strokes his chest, feeling his muscles. She smells him deeply. She looks satisfied by his scent. Jack starts to breathe a little faster.

She finds her way to his abs. His body tenses up and becomes so sensitive to her fingertips. She moves her hands down to his waist, and starts to unbuckle his belt.

"Hey!" Jack grabs her hands.

"Ouch," She looks up at him. Her luscious lips pout a little.

"What are you doing?" Jack lets go of her hands.

"You tell me." She pushes him, trying to go into his room.

Jack may have been temporarily lost, but he is not going to let anyone in just like that. He blocks her movement by simply standing still.

"Give it up. I know who you are. You are not that girlfriend."

"You are so boring." The voice suddenly becomes hoarse.

Jack folds his arms. There's an entirely different female standing in front of him. It's Nitte.

"Hello Nitte." Jack greets her impatiently.

"How do you know it's me?" She laughs.

"What do you mean how do I know? You think I'm an idiot? You act like you." Jack still doesn't let her get into his apartment.

"I act like me? How?"

"Who else would sniff me? Only you."

"But I've changed my form."

"But I can still see you."

"Wait, really? You mean you just guessed it was me because of my behavior? Or you actually see me?" Nitte now looks super excited. She even jumps up and down like a little kid.

"This is not a game. I have no time for your little game."

"Please, I am not playing. I really want to know. Did you actually see me as Nitte? Or you see another girl but you can guess it's me?"

"Why does it matter?"

"It matters. I will tell you why it matters."


"Please, I'm serious."