Maybe There's Unfinished Business

Nitte, still in Windigo form, laughs with such a deep voice. Jack doesn't want anyone to see or hear Windigo showing up in the stairwell, so he says, "Come inside."

Windigo crawls with four limbs on the floor and goes into Jack's living room.

"Well, that is definitely a first. No one ever invites Windigo in." Windigo says.

"Yeah no kidding. I don't know why Windigo is even doing here. You don't have to demonstrate any further, I know you are scary and you have lots of superpowers. Can you please change yourself back to yourself?" Jack crosses his arms, frowning at this monster.

"How do you know that Nitte isn't really actually Windigo? How can you be sure that Nitte is not another form or face of Windigo?" The monster then squats down, crouching, like a cave man.

"Can you stop messing with me? Come on." Jack walks up to this monster, staring down.

"Don't get close to me. The wolf part of Windigo really wants to fight you."