Get Ready For The Answer

  Leif is curious how much of a "detective" that Nitte can be.  That's because Leif forgets that Nitte can shapeshift.

  "I followed you guys and eavesdropped your conversations.  Ask Jack, he has been a victim of my following and eavesdropping.  He will tell you I am super good at it."  Nitte smiles proudly, and she glances over to Jack.

    "Voila, Jack is healed now!"

  Bob also takes a look at Jack's wound.  It is healed and there's maybe a little bit of that different color and texture on the skin indicating the bite, otherwise, it is fine now.  There is still dried blood.  But overall, it is quite magical, as if it has been days so that it is healed.  And Jack is making noises as his high fever is reducing.