We Need to Find the "Legend"

  Jack replies, "I think I will go with what Nitte has suggested. I will give the White House task a try.  But only if Nitte you will keep your promise of helping me.  OK, Nitte?  Do you promise you will not suddenly back down?  I really  need your loyalty in this." 

Nitte says, "Hold on.  So, you are all going to be on my team right?"  Nitte looks at everyone.

Although not happy with the concept of "this is Nitte's team,"  Rosanne says, "Yes. I believe we are going to be.  But I wish you could put less emphasis on the ownership.  We are all part of this team now. This is going to be a team effort"

Nitte chuckles, "Oh come on, I am the one who can get Jie Ai and Andyo to work with us.  They will be very valuable to our effort.  And, by the way, Rosanne, I am also the one who make your healing power known.  You should thank me for helping you coming out of your shell.  I think it's fair to say this is my team. "