Comes to the Rescue

"Who is this?"  The man yells from behind the window.

"NYPD.  Please open the door."  Jack shows his badge to the window.

"What is it about?"

  Jack does not want to say he came here because some teenagers living here found this man suspicious.

  "It's about child welfare check.  I see there is a 10-year-old girl sitting outside by herself unsupervised.  This is child neglect.  Unless she has no relations to you, you need to open the door now."

  Jack is not the kind of person who blames citizens for displaying unwelcoming attitude towards law enforcement, because some people in some pockets of New York City have not had the best experience with NYPD.  However, this is not one of those neighborhoods; this man is also not that kind of man that usually has complaints against cops.  If anything, this man looks like he calls police on others a lot.

  "I don't want to open the door."