You Don't Watch Enough Kung Fu Movies

"... so I asked him to hack into his girlfriend's computer, knowing she was a secret agent from Estonia.    I saw the e-mail she sent to Jack.  That photo only confirmed my guesses about Robert Smith-- so, I wanted to find this legendary man."

Keith explains all of this as they circle around the walk paths in the park. 

Robert already knew Keith killed Amelia, so Robert is not too surprised to hear that Keith learned more about "the Legend" through Amelia. 

But he still hasn't heard the real reason from Keith. That's the critical question.  Robert will decide what to tell Keith according to Keith's real need for finding Robert Smith.

"Keith, although I appreciate that you tell me how you know about Robert Smith, but you still haven't told me why you wanted to find him?" 

Keith is now impatient with Robert.  He grabs Robert's shoulder.

"Who is Robert Smith to you? Don't give me this vague stupid answer saying he is a relative and a friend."