Garten der leuchtenden Blume

" I felt a strange feeling from this flower that I cannot fathom," the girl sought. She must ask her about this flower's whereabouts to her brother, Heinz.

Adelaide is not a friendly lady, and she was somehow kept behind the gates for her years until she was now beyond perfection to be fitting as their future queen. An unknown person gave her a flower, it was such a mystery for her, or she can say suspicious. " Don't overthink it, mein Fräulein. I am sure the person who sends this admires you so dearly, " the nymph reassures the girl, the wings spread like a butterfly and dressing up full of flowers it displays. The fairy smiles with a gleam from Adelaide, A pure woman and a talented one, though it was a shame the young Adelaide never attended a magical academy.

The flower is blooming grace. Whoever sent this may be a good person. Adelaide approached the flower. " Miss Nadia, I would like to make a garden for these flowers!" she proudly proclaimed. It wasn't she fully acknowledged the anonymous person, but she wanted to have a garden of flowers that glows in the night. These blossoms have made her in peace. Garten der leuchtenden Blume! That's what it would call, The Garden of glowing flowers.

" As you wish, mein Fräulein," the fairy replies as her head bows. " I may call the gardener―" " No need to call them; we will be the ones to do everything. It's boring being here after all," she cut in before the fairy finishes her words. Adelaide suddenly has a shovel and things for gardening, as Nadia is in disbelief from the scene she just noticed. When did she get those in only mere seconds?

" Uh-um, okay then..." Nadia hesitantly replied; Adelaide fixed her silky rosette hair as she tied it in a ponytail. Nadia helped Adelaide carries the things for gardening just by her magic.

Adelaide's great figure struts elegantly, the white and red long tailcoat of gold-made linings attached from her broad shoulders and the strapless apparel paired with separate slit sleeves as she wears trousers on high-heeled boots. She was supposed to have training from one of her teachers, but apparently, news came to her early in the morning Count Rosenheim was ill and kept in his bed for days. Adelaide wasted all that hassle of having a hard time choosing her training attire. Nadia helped with her master's work, digging up soil from their resident's garden. Adelaide kept her eyes on the flowers and plants In every bland sight. It was not hard work for both of them, as they were holders of the earth manipulation.

A green plant blooms shortly with each touch on its hands from the soil.

It was fun for Adelaide, and maybe sometime, this would be her hobby. She was sick and tired from social studies and being lady-like,

The sun almost sinks, but the breezy air still lingers. Both ladies had dirt on their hands for their hard work in their endeavor. The plain sight of Adelaide's garden has gotten livelier, red roses thrived elegantly, and the romantic carnation stands out.

" Miss, what about the flower that glows?" messy and sweating on her forehead, Nadia asked her master for the flower. " Here it is," Adelaide handed the bouquet slowly but surely to land in the fairy's hands safely.

Nadia settled herself in a crouch as she put high-quality and nutritious fertilizer from the soil. After that, she put unknown dust that spreads the whole dirt quickly. The young woman quietly watches how the fairy did her work. While she focused on the vitality of her elemental charm, she slowly touched the soil as the flower grew roots attached to the dirt.

" Miss Nadia, may I know what dust you just spread on the soil?" Adelaide asks with pure curiosity, and she never knows a method to spread something weird to the soil, and neither does she even hear about it. The fairy nods in response as she looks at her lady, " Yes, of course, my lady. It is a speck of magical dust from the legendary tree that belonged to the lady of fairies," Nadia stood up from her position. Fixing herself, she was now finished. The tough chore was worth it.

" The Lady of Fairies, eh," she restates what Nadia says in the last sentence, and still curious, she raised her chins. From what she recollects from books of history she gave read, the Lady of Fairies was a powerful girl that helped the Celestial war.

" She was called the Lady of Fairies or Mariposa, as she embodies the butterfly," Nadia spoke enthusiastically as she sat beside Adelaide. The fairy loves to tell stories about the Mariposa; it is one of her favorite stories to share, "Remnants of her belongings have dropped here along with her plants evacuated before the Celestia fell 7000 years ago," she added.

Nadia continued her story. " My ancestors then took care of her plants and were passed down by their children. As it were now, this dust is a Celestial Plant grown for millennia,"

" A plant from the Other Realm is certainly unique and not likely from ours," Adelaide watches as the flower slowly grows unlikely from the usual flower. If it was from a Celestial person, what could be their reason?

" Yes, indeed. And no doubt this flower must be one of it." Nadia agrees with her master.

" My lady, let's clean ourselves first before we settle down. shall we?" Nadia suggested as Adelaide agreed to her advice.


Heinz stepped down from the carriage after a two-hour trip from the Haelan Imperial Palace from the urgent discussion. His body was numb as he settled down; Heinz got stressed from the officials' discussion while listening and taking notes. The dilemma has been inflicted on the empire. This called 'possessed of the Devil' has panicked society. The Celestial Empire attempted a treaty and an expedition from Asia.

" What a headache, We are supposed to be a mage, why are they dragging the problem from us," Heinz sighed exhaustedly, and his mother greeted him. " My dear son, what has made you so gloomy?" she comforted her son, worried at the condition. Sophia reassures Heinz by caressing his back. " Was the council getting chaotic for you to handle?" she asked with a worried tone. Few servants accompanied her. " Yes, Mother. I was furthermore ordered to find a remedy for those bewitched people. It may be impossible judging from my knowledge of magic." Heinz sough, he was helpless again. All he could do was take orders.

" Don't overstress it, Felix is on Drenwont he may give you some clues about our foe,"

Right, his brother was on Drenwont Capital along with the Heinrich heirs. Heinz hoped Felix would be safe from the journey while on an evildoer's territory. They strolled together as the servants opened the doors. However, Heinz remembers his Sister's request.

" Mother, where is Adelaide?" he asked in a rush. Heinz was late, and Adelaide threw rocks at him again. If he compares the Devil and Adelaide to dangerous people, Heinz will pick Adelaide. She looks at her son with a confused look." At her residence, doing her new hobby," Sophia responded. He was seeing her son feeling panic. " I need to go, mother; bye," Heinz bowed his head and quickly rushed to the garden. Sophia was dazed. His son looked lifeless minutes ago, but only then did he abruptly get startled. As if he was getting killed today.

" My kids are all weird. They must have taken it from their stupid father," Sophia sighed and walked away, followed by a few servants. Heinz hurried from the garden; he remembered Adelaide had asked him about a specific thing at noon. ' I hope Adelaide didn't lose her patience.' The young mage arrived at her Sister's residence, which was vacant, with no sign of people nor a single sound. Heinz prayed between his breaths, begging it was not a surprise attack. He slowed his pace and looked around his surroundings.

Something felt familiar, and Heinz tracked the energy that emitted his radar. Adelaide and the Botanical fairy happily talk to each other. But that was not the only thing he saw. In front of their pavilion, a familiar plant was in his Sister's garden. Newly planted as it slowly grows.

His heart skips a beat.

' How can Adelaide have that flower?' Heinz murmurs, and he isn't hallucinating. 'No, it can't be 'that' flower, right?' he thought. Adelaide saw her brother's presence as he approached him. " Heinz, you were late!" Adelaide scolded her brother. He put out an awkward smile across his face, scratching his back.

" I deeply apologise, the meeting took too long,"

" Humph, you must be lucky today; I am in a good mood right now," she rolled her eyes, eating snacks with her friend Nadia. Heinz sat down with them. His posture stiffened, and Nadia was there. He melted away and tried to hide the tint of red between his cheeks. The fairy smiled at him, and Heinz took a critical blow.

'Ohohoho, Now I know your crush, my dear brother,' she watches her brother get timid and smitten.

Heinz scoffed, " I heard you want something from me," he broke his timid composure. Adelaide snickers. While Nadia looks at them dumbfounded, just consuming snacks.

" I wanted to know... what flower is that-" her fingers pointed out the flower Heinz doubted.

" do you learn something from the flower?" Heinz speculated in his weary tone. " The only thing I know is it glows at the night," he added.

A flower that glows at night, a rose-like and innocent flower, there was no doubt it was 'that' flower. The flower she had in her garden was a Celestial flower planted by a Legendary person. In his ignorant days, he once saw it in a garden of a well-known Emperor of Celestial, where he was still attending an academy overseas as a mage. Lumeira. The flower signifies the longing for a friend or a lover. Close people of the Great Emperor only and exclusively owned it.

' Why does my beloved sister, had attained the hands of a rare flower?'