The unfortunate

While everyone is asleep, demons haunt their prey. The dark skies are stained, and the screams of terror cannot be heard from far away. The terrifying sight of murder happened, but no one knew. No one bats an eye. Even the gift of vision the Creator gave them is useless, for they are all blind.

One dawn, Felix finally came home: after a few days of staying in another district. He was alone, and no carriage nor the guards were with him. Walking with an aching foot. A damned had cursed them. The cold air hit on his skin. Was this trial of hurdle that God has given him? The world does love to torture humans. There was only a dull expression left on him. The golden tinted gates finally appeared in the area. He sucked out his suffocating breath.


He arrived at what he thought to take a mile to walk barefoot: A mile in barefoot with blood on his body. The beads of sweat dripped on ghostly pale skin. All of his vigors sucked. Yet his vision went dim before he could enter.

The rays bathed Adelaide's skin when the sun rose from the skies. Remnants of lemonade scent from the flower stayed on between nose. Risen from the slumber. She got up, her back and legs pained like she was sleeping with pebbles. ' Heavens, did I sleep badly?' she questioned to herself.

The skies were bright and sunny, and everything in the scenery was peaceful. A knock comes in before Adelaide can muster up all the strength. " My lady, I beg of your pardon to wake you up from your slumber," a familiar voice comes from behind the door. She cleared her throat loudly. " I am awake. Now, Speak." Adelaide ordered huskily, and the person from the door went quiet — as if they were afraid to say anything. " Come In. Talk to me in front of my face, if you have manners, to begin with," Her patience grew thin awaiting. She performed a quick stretch before sitting right from her mirror stand.

A redhead maid appeared; she bowed to avoid Adelaide's eyes. She glances up at the maid bowing, and her reflection prevails in the lady's mirror. Eyes still sleepy from the slumber. " My lady, His Greatness— He asked you to come to the hall for some urgent matters." The maid finally spoke. Her brows raised, and hard to believe what she heard.

'Father? What urgent matter does he need just to see me?' she wondered. The relationship between Adelaide and the Marquess was somehow sophisticated… Rarely do they talk to each other, and when they do talk: It would be when Marquess would tell her, 'You will be the Queen soon, Don't show your weaknesses to everyone—— No matter what.' A hint of warning and anger he would express.

" You."

" Yes, My lady?" The maid replied.

" Tell me. What is this 'Urgent matter'?" She finally asked after she was deep in her thoughts.

" My lady, It is about Sir Felix..." the redhead shifted her gaze from the wall. " He is found unconscious at the ground outside hours ago," she trailed off.


The brush fell from her hands, and her reflections gazed into her eyes as if everything was distant. Yesterday was all of a fever dream, but today was all of a nightmare she couldn't expect. Her heart pounded, and she hurriedly went to Felix's bedroom without hesitation.

Maids swarmed the hallway, bringing trays full of bloodstained clothes. She saw her parents sitting across a chair, with a young Doctor beside them. Her mother was in tears, with a wet tissue: Her makeup was stained from weeping. Not she could care at this point; Felix was in a dire state of care.

" Your Greatness, Sir Felix, should need a few days of rest. The poison almost pierced his veins," the young Doctor says.

Adelaide hastened as slowly pushing aside the maids on the door. Marquess and Marchioness stood there in shock when they saw Adelaide. The young Doctor fixed his eyes on the lady and returned his focus to the Marquess. " I am thankful enough that I have the field of expertise from the enchantment. Most Doctors in this Capital barely knew about this," he added with a sly smirk on his lips. As if he was belittling the other Doctors as lowly people.

Adelaide examined the pale and sick features, yet he still looked peaceful with all his problems. She did not cry, but an ounce of fear and a shiver trickled her spine. So much anxiety is carved into her heart, a fear that prints on her mind. That one day, the one she loves dearly would be gone. Her muscles relaxed for a few minutes, holding his hands to provide Felix with a company that may soothe his sickness. 'Brother, I am here... Please hang on there,'

" If that is so, we will go as soon as possible. We can't sit idly, waiting for this to happen again!" Marquess grumpily stood from the couch. He swore he would have his revenge on the criminal who dared to hurt his children.

She was in a kneeling position for many minutes. Everything finally went quiet, and the place went peaceful. `Marquess and Marchioness left quietly, and neither did not exchange words with their daughter.

The Doctor, Adelaide, and Felix were the only ones left.

" I am sorry to interrupt your time, but I have to conduct some few procedures for Sir Felix," he said softly with a smile, and he broke the silence in the room. And the lady flinched from the trance. She annoyingly glanced at who was at fault. Her eyes widen to see a tall figure soothingly smiling at her, and his eyeglasses reflect her disorganized clothes.

" Oh, Im sorry!" She immediately stood up, her cheeks bright red with embarrassment. The young Doctor shrugs with a laugh, but it is distorted into a solemn look when he sees Felix. " My lady... You can sit on the couch, Do not worry. Sir Felix is in a good state. To be honest, Gods may have favored him. Felix... He is such a lucky man." The young Doctor calmly reassured her; As he started doing his check-up, checking on Felix's pulse. His eyes squinted to feel the uneven beats.

" What makes you think so?" Adelaide made her way to the couch; a hot set of tea and cookies was still on the table. She decided to take one. The tea calmed her nerves, and she concentrated on the current situation.

" Sir Felix was poisoned. It may be black magic or closer to that." Adelaide almost choked on the tea. To think her all and mighty brother would fall easily by this. But she had overlooked that they are only humans. 'It is okay, Addie... I am stronger than any gold, I will not lose hope over this. Never.'

In another silent atmosphere, minutes have passed by. The maids came into the room one by one; Until she saw several gifts wrapped in a special box. The Doctor did not likewise take long on his job; he took the briefcase he had and was about to bid farewell.

" So you are a Doctor? And I thought every Doctor are all old fellows with sticks." She beat him first by breaking the silence: Adelaide did not look at him and delivered the sentence solely sarcastic. He is shocked to hear a naive sentence. Yet he regarded it like it was complete sarcasm.

" I do not know if I would take that as a compliment or not. But for the sake of mine, I'll take it as a compliment." He chuckled softly while fixing his eyeglasses. The Young Doctor was the same age as Felix. Handsome and tall, but those eyes he got gave her goosebumps. It was formed like a diamond on its pupil. Disregarding the thought, she put her teacup down.

" Anyways, Thank you for---"


Adelaide was cut out from speaking. Both of them avert their gaze from the noise. Heinz was disheveled, and beads of sweat came on his forehead.

" Heinz! Why are you shouting in his room!" she scolded harshly. Heinz gives out a peace sign, and when he catches his breath, he moves closer to Felix.

" Ian, when will he recover?" he studied Felix's relaxed look. His scornful and cold face vanished. " Sooner enough. He will wake up from his dream." The young Doctor, who is known as Ian, informed him.

Adelaide looks at both of them. She was confused. ' Ian? do they know each other? And what does he mean by dream?'

" Man... I rushed from the Tower of Babylon to here. News spread fast like wildfire, I tell ya'," Heinz casually talks to Ian as if they have known each other for a long time. But maybe they are. " Oh, and don't go yet. I have to tell you something," he added, his hands resting on his neck.

" Excuse me, but brother do you this guy?"