Stubborn Shelter captain

It was long past midnight when Shane reached the shelter with his dirty and muddied appearance, which attracted the guards' attention.

Oddly enough, the same two young guards were on patrol, like a few days ago when Shane had barely managed to reach the shelter gate.

They were astonished to see a young shabby boy approach the gate and they couldn't distinguish him from some foreign bipedal races.

Only when they looked at the one-meter-long snake on the boy's shoulder did they feel that he was familiar and looked at him with surprise.

Still being true to their duty, they ordered him from quite a distance away

"Stop there! If you're a human, please store away your weapon and come closer with your hands on the back of your head!"

Even though they estimated that the muddy bipedal being they saw was Shane, who they had taken to an Inn less than two days ago, it was better to be safe than sorry.