Obsessive group chat

It was already long past midnight and Shane doubted that anyone would message him back within the next few hours.

As such, Shane decided to take a look at the basin inside the room in order to wash up that he had hidden from the slightly drunk shelter captain. There had been a possibility of him being pursued, but now that he thought about it he felt that it was highly unlikely.

Shane knew many similar humans like the shelter captain and most of them were losers. They tried to show off with their weak combat prowess because they had stayed longer than necessary at lower dimensions in order to push up their ego.

This was unnecessary and most of such individuals would never reach the position of a shelter captain which began to wonder Shane even more. If he was correct, Uncle Lars, who was in the military, had told him more than enough about their rankings and the common situations in every shelter, what precautions to take and which people to avoid.