Defensive measures

It took Shane a full day to finish another season of body refining, as he finally reached the perfect physique of a 4th Mortal stage.

Over the last day, Shane had also absorbed and purified his mana, which caused him to use up more tier-1 mana stones than he initially thought would be required.

With 15 tier-1 trash quality mana stones and 6 [Mortal-(extraordinary)] nutrition solutions left, Shane lamented about the scarcity of resources.

But even so, Shane's mana purity had increased a little over 0.6% and reached 7.8%. There was only 0.2% left before he could break into the 9th Mortal stage.

He had also glanced through the window every once in a while and the sight had surprised him. He had noticed bloodied guards running around frantically with the military soldiers accompanying them...

`Was the shelter already under attack?` Shane asked himself worriedly, as he hurried out of his room, to inquire about the current situation with the Inn-owner.