Getting to know each other

"I never really had any free time and there were no friends to play with"

Hearing this, Aimy and Olivia were taken aback. They looked at him with a confused expression, before a trace of pity replaced their confusion.

Olivia was rather blunt and straightforwardly blurted out

"How can that be?! Having no friends is still understandable for some youths, but how can you have no free time? You are our age or at most a few months older?! What did you do before your System awakening?!"

Olivia's blunt personality was somewhat refreshing but Shane's lips still twitched, because the question was rather personal, which included his childhood.

Pondering if or what he should answer, Shane thought about it for some time while Aimy decided to interrupt Olivia's bombardment of questions, and reprimanded her.