Against the imagined

With a radiant smile, Shane walked around the Academy grounds. Aimy and Olivia followed him, as they didn't know what exactly they should do for now.

Olivia was still talking non-stop, relaxing the atmosphere around them because Aimy seemed to become nervous, the further they walked.

The three of them saw many grand buildings and it seemed like Shane had underestimated the sheer number of students that had enrolled in the Shirai Academy.

There were several dozen dorms in front of him, and six to ten-floor tall buildings with all kinds of emblems on them, indicating some sort of club or name, Shane wasn't aware of.

Each dorm looked magnificent from its appearance and even the materials they were constructed of appeared different to him. But, Shane didn't really care about any of them, because they didn't release the vigorous aura like the mansion he had lived in, indicating a big contrast between his childhood and his current life.