Enemy number 1

Shane couldn't help but feel that the knowledge exam was a bad joke. The questions barely asked about the basic information for each subject, even if there were several dozen for each topic.

'Is that some sort of present for all first-year students?' Shane began to wonder. He didn't doubt that many students would be able to reach 100% for this exam, as long as they had studied at least a little in their childhood.

Considering that the 200,000 students accepted as first-year students had to be at least a little bit ambitious and determined in order to be even eligible to join an academy, Shane estimated that 5,000 students would pass the exam. This would mean that the academy will give out 10,000 hours of access to the Dimensional spheres, which astonished him.

'They're generous huh? Or does the academy just want us to taste blood in order to become addicted?'