
"The amount of mana particles on you is amazing and the suction force I perceive is also not bad….But is that really everything?"

When Shane heard this, he was unsure what the Elus merchant wanted from him so he tried to answer honestly.

"I'm currently restricting the mana absorption so that I don't create a commotion or maybe even cause trouble."

He didn't even know how much mana his world seed could absorb currently and Shane could only feel that his world seed was still not at its maximum capacities.

Otherwise, it couldn't demand him to supply an astronomical amount of mana in the last few days before the world seed would blossom!

Listening intently, the floating Elus merchant seemed to nod its head before nonchalantly saying.

"Don't bother about restricting your mana absorption. I'll allow you to release your whole mana absorption. If it's too high you can always restrict it again later."