What did you say??

Shane was not sure how much time had passed nor how he had survived, however, the pain in his chest was at least a sign that he was still alive, even if barely.

Opening his eyes slowly, Shane noticed that he laid on a soft bed.

He was enveloped in a translucent bubble that released a soothing sensation while something on his chest seemed to move.

This confused him and he blinked a few times before looking down. He noticed two astonishing things that he couldn't quite believe his eyes.

One was that the Lesser Starlet Fox was lying on the bedsheets at the bed's foot.

Its head laid on Shane's right foot and by moving his head a little, which gave him unbearable pain, he saw that the fox's injury was almost healed.

The silver fur was missing on the lower, right half of the Lesser Starlet Fox's body, but it seemed to have survived through everything.