Aunt, I can give you a discount!

Shane grew curious when the words 'Space door' fell on his ears because it was something he wanted to obtain quite soon.

Even more so, after he almost died in order to complete the [Mythic] mission a few days ago!

If he were to die, the Hidden Paradise would crumble too, and it would be extremely difficult to save the crumbling world.

As such, everyone inside the Hidden Paradise would die along with him.

The Old Emperor noticed Shane's interest, and it was not difficult to comprehend why Shane was interested in Space doors that had a wide range of usages.

"I can tell why you're interested in space doors, but don't purchase those from the Primordial shop! They're overpriced and for your purpose, their variability is too wide! You just want to take everyone within your world to a safe place, if something were to happen to you right? If that's the case, purchase two small doors that have been fixed to each other!