
There were more than three dozen Valkyries missing, and sizing up everyone, Shane could tell that almost everyone was heavily injured.

Miriam and Aisha, whom Shane thought to be enemies, were supporting each other, as they were barely able to stand on their own. Seeing their condition, Shane couldn't help but frown.

'Was it really that bad??'

Shane didn't even think about the fact that Miriam was able to hold Aisha without any problems which shouldn't be possible under normal circumstances due to Aisha's innate repulsion for most people.

If he were to know that Miriam and he himself were the only people that were able to touch Aisha without her feeling uncomfortable Shane would've been astonished.

However, right now, his mind was elsewhere.

Nevertheless, he was still able to grasp why they had approached him instead of the RadiantRing shelter that was more than a kilometer away from their current location.