
Despite having lost, Crz stared at Shane in both anger and fear.

Crz was angry to have been defeated so easily, that he had underestimated Shane, and that he had disappointed his entire race.

Yet, Crz's fear didn't originate from Shane alone, but more from the fact that a huge snake obeyed his orders.

"A….tamer?" He could only wonder in surprise loudly before Shane retracted his sword while the darkness spears dispersed.

Umbra slithered towards Shane and manifested a small, translucent portal in front of him, through which it disappeared.

Cosmo followed suit, and the crowded area became empty, and only Shane and  Crz were left behind.

Shane being a tamer with two strong beasts was something nobody except Miriam, Frer, and Aisha had known, yet, even they couldn't believe how easily the Bikandra had been defeated.