
Despite feeling suspicious about Shane's offer, the city lord decided to request his help. 

The only arduous task was to completely demolish and build a new city wall. 

The old one had lost all its strength to be repaired, and it was better to avoid doing a shabby job to save on time or resources.

Shane had told Deux's city lord that paying for the resources would be the lowest he could do. The city was not large, given a population of less than 40,000, and constructing the entire wall would only take around a day.

There was not even the need for every craftsman of the Astral Artisans to work, because most of them had certain skills, allowing them to visualize the learned blueprints in their mind.

Additionally, it was possible to summon objects at an accurate position from one's spatial ring. As such, by focusing, one could build a wall without any flaws by accessing the spatial ring.